cairo, xorg-lib-libXft: LCD
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
qrczakmk at
Sat Mar 10 19:49:09 CET 2007
Dnia 10-03-2007, sob o godzinie 09:26 +0100, Tomasz Pala napisał(a):
> > Do you have an LCD monitor (with correctly configured RGB order)?
> Yes (LG L1930B), I've checked order with magnyfying glass (it is R-G-B)
And the screen resolution matches the monitor resolution?
> Well, I can't believe that 'l' letter at this size should be rendered as
> yellow-black-blue vertical bars instead of just black...
It really is. And it looks fine on my screen. The yellow and blue are
very bright, they are unnoticeable in 1:1 scale.
> Probably you're using unhinted font.
No. Your screenshots look fine here too.
> Until there's no way to configure this on system level,
> please revert the bconds to default (not patched) cairo
> and Xft libraries filtering.
LCD filtering can be turned off on the level of fontconfig / Gnome /
KDE. There isn't yet a switch which chooses between parameters of LCD
filtering however (the freetype implementation has a few modes; they
even include the one equivalent to the old xft/cairo algorithm, but
I think it's for testing and it will be eventually removed).
Let the PLD community decide.
> There's a reason why these patches are still not incorporated.
The reason is that this freetype functionality is quite young.
They are already incorporated into the official freetype, only libraries
using freetype don't rely on them yet.
__("< Marcin Kowalczyk
\__/ qrczak at
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