Console service for non-breakable fbsplash

Cezary Krzyzanowski dhubleizh at
Mon May 14 09:33:42 CEST 2007


I've been toying around fbsplash for some time now. I've been searching
of a way to make the fbsplash's splash non-stop visible during boot.

The problem I've found is console service from kbd. Is it really needed
to switch to every console in every /sbin/open and even do
manual /sbin/switchto from time to time?? I'm attaching a patch witch
throws out all the console switching stuff to make the silent splash
stay on top as long as possible.

After applying it gets much better. There's just the:

run_cmd "Loading keyboard table" loadkeys $KEYTABLE < /dev/tty0
> /dev/tty0

stuff left, which changes to a verbose console. I'm not sure what the
run_cmd "foo" bar < /dev/tty0 > /dev/tty0 is supposed to do? Why
inputting from tty? Why forcing output to tty?

After removing the < > stuff the splash stays almost perfectly on top
all the time. Only for a blink of an eye it turns to some console (not
sure what other command in /etc/init.d/console does that, but it's
definitely this service).

Oh - and with initng running mingetty changes to the just runned
console, not sure bout normal init boot, because I can't find mingetty
in rc-scripts.

Please comment on the patch. I'd like to commit it in some time.

Cz at rny 
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