Console service for non-breakable fbsplash

Cezary Krzyzanowski dhubleizh at
Mon May 14 13:26:04 CEST 2007

Dnia 14-05-2007, pon o godzinie 13:06 +0200, Jacek Konieczny napisał(a):

> If the switches were not needed, then it is good they were removed.
> Maybe they were required some time ago, but now the problem is fixed
> somewhere else (newer kernel).

Well - after answering You I've found some more magic regarding
bootsplash (former implementation of splashes) in rc-scripts. It's in
99% made to be able to show percentage of work in the silent output. I'm
trying to make it usable with fbsplash as well.

> Have you tried removing the redirections?

Yes. It boots. The "Loading..." line isn't shown on the default tty (I
haven't checked if it is on the redirected one, as I deliberately use an
empty tty for silent splash and I output all the stuff to tty12 via the
kernel option console=tty12, because otherwise it'd screw up the splash
with debug messages). 

>   Have you tried the script
> when booting with serial port as default console?

I don't have any machine with serial console - sorry. Can't test that

On the other hand I could try to make my laptop a serial terminal for my
desktop, or the other way around, but I haven't used serial terminal.

Thx 4 the discussion
Cz at rny

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