SPECS: python-pywbxml.spec - TODO done - rel 1
Daniel Mróz
beorn at alpha.pl
Mon Jun 2 14:34:54 CEST 2008
On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 02:27:23PM +0200, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
> >> -# TODO: rename to either synce-pywbxml.spec or python-pywbxml.spec
> >> Summary: SynCE - Python bindings for wbxml2
> >> Summary(pl.UTF-8): SynCE - wiązania Pythona do biblioteki wbxml2
> > ^^^^^
> > Ke?
> What now? It's part of SynCE stack and is developed by the SynCE project.
Hmmmm.... Then it's alright.
Or maybe we shouldn't bind this module with SynCE if it can be
used by any other script/application/whatever. Else, somebody can
wrongly deduce, that python-pywbxml cannot be used without SynCE (I
presume this is not true). Don't know. What do you think about that?
Daniel 'Beorn' Mróz <beorn at alpha.pl>
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