rescuecd.spec - problems with sending build request
Patryk Zawadzki
patrys at
Tue Mar 18 21:16:52 CET 2008
2008/3/18 Kamil Dziedzic <kamil.listy at>:
> Dnia wtorek 18 marzec 2008, Elan Ruusamäe napisał:
> > this could be either by the fact that it is not fetched, or something
> > doesn't like filename in form 'rcdmod?x86_64' (containing question mark)
> Ok I know what is the problem. Builder should encode urls when fetching from
> distfiles.
> Now it try to get:
> This doesn't work.
> But it should try to get:
> This works.
> Any reasons to not do that?
Yes, how do you differentiate between query params and parts of
document name? It's the spec file where encoding should happen (as
currently it's not a valid URI, I believe FTP schema does not even
allow one to use query strings).
Patryk Zawadzki
PLD Linux Distribution
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