CVSROOT: cvswrappers - treat patches as binary files

Tomasz Pala gotar at
Wed Nov 5 18:14:10 CET 2008

On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 17:47:04 +0100, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:

>> It's the _patch_ that's broken, not patching with -l.
> How is that patch broken? You mean the offset? Just add one line to

I mean the patch is completely broken - see attached result of
diff -u
It's entirely different from foo.patch you have send, isn't it?
Now apply my patch with or without -l and compare result. It's not the
case we're talking about.

>> Oh, breaking the code by dumb patching is always a case. The point is:
>> 'patch -l' DOESN'T break anything as you were saying.
> Breaking the code in this way and for dynamically compiled languages
> means we'll find the error two weeks after building a package.

Let me repeat: it does not break code in any way. It just makes it
possible for broken patches to apply and I don't argue with that.

> It DOES break the code by making it invalid (if this happened in the
> middle of the file you'd get a nice syntax error at run-time due to
> broken indentation or just buggy behavior depending on the place in
> the code block) and giving no error at patch-time.

OMG, one last time: if the patch is fucked up, resulting code will be
too. The only, and I mean ONLY thing -l does as you say is underlined.

> Ignoring whitespace
> in Python is like ignoring dots in brainfuck or ignoring brace in C.

I'm not quite sure if you understand 'match' word. Whitespaces are
ignored for Matching only, M-atching, not P-atching. Still waiting for
testcase so.

Again: just give me one example of code that's being broken BY USING -l
option, not by BREAKING patch, because I've already said twice it can
HIDE errors originating from other places, but not GENERATE them.

Tomasz Pala <gotar at>
-------------- next part --------------
---	2008-11-05 17:58:32.000000000 +0100
+++	2008-11-05 17:58:32.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 if True:
-	line1()
-	line2()
-	line3()
-	line5()
+	if False:
+		line1()
+		line2()
+		line3()
+		line5()
-------------- next part --------------
---	2008-11-04 09:59:53.025271379 +0100
+++	2008-11-04 10:00:09.088445554 +0100
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
-	line5()
+	line4()

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