TeXLive rel 0.8 testing

maciej.pijanka at gmail.com maciej.pijanka at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 13:08:42 CET 2009

On 01/01/2009, Zsolt Udvari <udvzsolt at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/12/29 Zsolt Udvari <udvzsolt at gmail.com>:
>>> Well it's entirely up to you, but I would propose somethinglike that:
>>> ~/public_html/texlive/RPMS/{i686,whatever_arch_is_built}
>>> and then in the rpm directory run "poldek -s . --mkidxz" (sans quotes)
>>> of course don't forget to make the files readable.
>> IMHO it's done.
>> http://carme.pld-linux.org/~uzsolt/texlive/RPMS/i686/
> Updated to rel 0.9. It isn't perfect (yet), but more-more better. So,
> please download, try and test it!

I tried at mine machine right now, at least basic things installed
well, i will try to use it some in next days. Good work.

> Zsolt

Maciej Pijanka, PLD-Linux Developer, Reg Linux user #133161
POE/Perl user

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