need xmlrpc-c up to 1.24.1
Lukasz Michalski
lm at
Mon Oct 18 10:59:52 CEST 2010
I need recent version of xmlrpc-c. 1.20.3 from distro has fatal bug
related to keepalive timeout. I cannot reference bug tracker entry due
to strange policy of xmlrpc-c maintainer (send all bugs to me, I don't
need a bug tracker :-) )
Anyway, I removed two obsolete patches from xmlrpc-c and switched from
CMake to autotools (CMake build had problems and this was suggested to
me by maintaier).
The only problem with 1.24.1 is that I cannot find a way to generate
*.pc files so I cannot pack them.
My questions are:
- can we switch to official 'advanced' branch
- do we need those *.pc files? I really don't know this pkgconfig stuff
and I don't see any way to generate them.
- how to properly get sources for this package? Currently I use svn
checkout from branch and revision and use builder -nn
Patch (with *.pc files problem left to solve) attached,
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