*.py packaging, again
Jeff Johnson
n3npq at mac.com
Thu Jul 14 13:19:34 CEST 2011
On Jul 14, 2011, at 4:35 AM, Patryk Zawadzki wrote:
>> In case some automated mechanism is provided, in the future, for keeping
>> the compiled python code files in the RPM database without listing them
>> in the spec files, we loose nothing by having the files there already
>> (by explicitly listing them in the specs).
> Can we plug into cpython's/pypy's module loader to detect when it
> compiles stuff? If so, can we then launch a suid helper that injects
> the newly created files into the rpm package that contained the
> original .py?
This is essentially a "push" strategy, where python compilation
is forced to undertake package management.
The design problem is that compilation is per-file, while
registered packages are containers of files. You will
end up with a package-per-file, and/or some extension
to a package container to attach compiled files.
You also need to decide whether all compilations are on
the build system or after installation: there are different
I'd suggest that the problem needs to be solved on the install
not the build system as has been "traditionally" attempted.
73 de Jeff
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