geninitrd nie wie co to 0ede

Lukasz Glebicki lukaszgl at
Mon Apr 16 19:22:02 CEST 2012

On Monday 16 of April 2012 19:24:31 Elan Ruusamäe wrote:

> that root=0edc makes no sense...

> 14, 197 device is what in your real system?
> ls -l /dev| grep 14,|grep 197

No. There is not such a device. The better is that it was working before 

It looks like I'm using 0edc since I have added new disk, which doesn't 
belongs to array.

Feb 15 18:40:42 inhell kernel: [    0.000000] Command line: root=0edc  
ramdisk_size=6144 resume=/dev/datavg/swaplv

lilo.conf contains proper definition of root (/dev/datavg/rootlv)

> also the screenshot does not seem to match any pld geninitrd image, at
> least i don't see where /proc/partitions contents could be dumped into
> console
> and your linuxrc you showed,. doesn't have sulogin enabled, so you could
> had typed yourself it (by booting with debuginitrd=sh kernel commandline)

I have added cat /proc/partitions to see what devices are during initrd.
> and not clear how /run could not be mounted there, as well why
> /proc/partitions is missing
> first try geninitrd svn trunk (at least r12546)
> if that still fails, attach geninitrd -v ... output

> why you have cryptic "0edc" anyway, i could understand lilo what
> enforces it, but why in grub?

rc-boot or grubby.

After kernel reinstall (see logs above) i have proper lilo.conf and buggy 
menu.lst, which are modified after kernel reinstallation:

[root at inhell ~]# ls -l /boot/grub/menu.lst /etc/lilo.conf
-rw------- 2 root root 465 04-16 19:15 /boot/grub/menu.lst
-rw------- 1 root root 513 04-16 19:15 /etc/lilo.conf

Łukasz Głębicki  mail/rot13:yhxnfmty at  PLD/Linux Team
gg:246267    Linux Registered User #318551   blekot:{irc,skype}

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