gimp 2.8.0 rc1, gimp plugins

Caleb Maclennan caleb at
Thu Apr 19 22:44:01 CEST 2012

2012/4/19 Artur Wroblewski <wrobell at>:
> hi,
> i would like to move gimp 2.8.0 rc1 from DEVEL to HEAD.
> any argument against?
> btw. we have some quite old gimp plugins on ftp, i.e. build in 2010, 2009. shall
> they be removed, rebuilt?
> regards,
> w

Yes. That is an RC for a major release version and there aren't any
show-stopper bugs or comparability issues in the previous release that
would force us to skip ahead to get the bugs ironed out. At this point
I'm having a heck of a time keeping stable systems using TH which is
supposed to be STABLE. Adding more backwards incompatible libraries to
the dependency mess is going to make that worse, not better.


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