why is my symlink gone????

Jeffrey Johnson n3npq at me.com
Sun Jan 8 22:55:23 CET 2012

On Jan 8, 2012, at 4:40 PM, glen wrote:

> On 01/08/2012 11:32 PM, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:
>> OK. If the symlink isn't in the *.rpm pkg, then its easy to understand why the
>> symlink wasn't installed.
> it is in a package (as common sense), see rpm -qpl listing in first post!

ok. technically its in the metadata but not in the payload
(because rpm3cpio doesn't display).

The paths in the cpio headers are used to index the metadata
to use while installing. That explains why not installed: the
path that would trigger symlink creation isn't in the payload.

So its a rpmbuild issue because the metadata and the payload disagree.

I might be able to spot the problem if you give me the exact path,
and send me
    rpmbuild -ba -vv --fsmdebug --rpmiodebug foo.spec

You might also try rearranging lines in the *.spec: there's
lots of screwy issues that occur when a \r or an unclosed
quote/bracket sneak into a *.spec. Without a grammar, there
isn't any simple way to catch the screwiness, its all just
an ad hoc parser.

The output will be huge; I'd generate here but it would take hours
to create some environment that could build with rpm-4.4.9.

Its all Mac OS X here @jbj.org these days ...


73 de Jeff

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