[kernel] 'perf' utility and other utils from kernel sources
Elan Ruusamäe
glen at pld-linux.org
Wed Nov 14 11:11:39 CET 2012
On 13.11.2012 23:57, Tomasz Pala wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 20:16:36 +0100, Jacek Konieczny wrote:
>>> It makes use of debug symbols, but it's not _strictly_ dependant. I use
>>> some older build for quite a long time.
>> IMHO it still will be convenient to build it from kernel.spec, just not
>> add strict dependencies to the kernel it was built with.
> On the other hand, it will make maintaining this subpackage much harder.
> Unless there's nothing to maintain here. I wonder if this code would be
> extracted from kernel.git in some future, as it's not tightly bound to
> the kernel (only it's build-ids). Well, no real difference to me since
> using own kernels, consider above only as a bunch of hints.
> BTW perf top -e ... is a must-have for complex multi-core setup to hount
> for bottlenecks, it's one of the basic tools and this shows how amateur
> (or obsoleted) PLD has become... sad.
i'd prefer also separate spec, monstrous specs with 200 lines of deps is
definately hard to maintain.
and given linux-libc-headers.spec sample, it's also kernel dependant,
yet we maintain it in separate package
and i'm sure people who want to maintain kernel don't want to maintain
tools, which makes the tools packages low quality, no proper deps, etc
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