Problems (again) with the latest chromium-browser - solution probably found, but I need help applying it.
Łukasz Maśko
ed at
Sat Aug 30 23:04:59 CEST 2014
Dnia sobota, 30 sierpnia 2014 22:51:24 Łukasz Maśko pisze:
> OK. I got it. I've patched protobuf and now chromium is working! I've
> included patched version in git. I only hope, thai will not spoil something
> else ;-)
There is another problem, though... Polish programmer's keyboard layout is not
working, right Alt seems dead. Only in Chromium. Anyone, anything about it?
Łukasz Maśko _o)
Lukasz.Masko(at) /\\
Registered Linux User #61028 _\_V
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