python packaging
Elan Ruusamäe
glen at
Mon Jun 20 14:58:11 CEST 2016
so, what way we should do the package naming?
1. egg name
2. python module name [*]
3. upstream tarball name
4. pld own convention
[*] this is said to be the recommendation in template-specs
reality is that we have no consistency, the package naming is from any
of the four choices:
the results vary from name letter cases (South vs south), separators (_
vs -), name itself (picklefield module vs django_picklefield egg)
[~/relup/python-django-contact-form(1.1) (master)⚡] ➔ grep -n
'^%{py_sitescriptdir}' ~/all-specs/python-django[-_]*.spec
[~/relup/python-django-contact-form(1.1) (master)⚡] ➔
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