libc 2.31/i686: operation not permitted for preserving timestamps
Elan Ruusamäe
glen at
Sat Apr 18 08:32:22 CEST 2020
On 4/3/20 9:47 PM, Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz wrote:
> On 03/04/2020 20:09, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
>> is this fix for this problem?
>> -
>> -
> No.
> Do you use systemd-nspawn for starting something and running cp inside?
> Is that cp test on vm/bare metal + kernel + just userspace directly?
it's inside docker, as noted in earlier post:
- here's full build log attemting to build base image:
the reproducer is pretty straight forward, and i don't think it matters
what is the host kernel. it fails in that cloud and fails in docker for
mac (O)
$ docker run --rm -it at sha256:832f004cc28798aafd758a7e6aa867681f1f860ac22b341dc8a2183a75a53e36
[root at 6aff3df5fe9a /]# uname -a
Linux 6aff3df5fe9a 4.19.76-linuxkit #1 SMP Thu Oct 17 19:31:58 UTC 2019
x86_64 Intel(R)_Core(TM)_i7-7700HQ_CPU_ at _2.80GHz PLD Linux
[root at 6aff3df5fe9a /]# rpm -q glibcglibc-2.30-3.i686
[root at 6aff3df5fe9a /]# cp -a /var/lib/rpm/ /tmp/rpm1
[root at 6aff3df5fe9a /]# poldek --up -u glibc-2.31-5.i686 --noask
th::packages.ndir.gz [16.6M (8.1M/s)]
th::packages.ndir.dscr.gz [2.2M (2.2M/s)]
th::packages.ndir.gz [16.3M (7.7M/s)]
th::packages.ndir.dscr.gz [1.1M (1.1M/s)]
Loading [pndir]th...
Loading [pndir]th...
28925 packages read
Processing dependencies...
glibc-2.30-3.i686 obsoleted by glibc-2.31-5.i686
glibc-2.31-5.i686 marks glibc-ld-2.31-5.i686 (cap glibc-ld = 6:2.31-5)
glibc-ld-2.30-3.i686 obsoleted by glibc-ld-2.31-5.i686
There are 2 packages to install (1 marked by dependencies), 2 to remove:
U glibc-(2.30-3 => 2.31-5).i686 glibc-ld-(2.30-3 => 2.31-5).i686
This operation will use 138.5KB of disk space.
Need to get 3.2MB of archives (3.2MB to download).
[1/2] th::glibc-ld-2.31-5.i686.rpm [401.1K (401.1K/s)]
[2/2] th::glibc-2.31-5.i686.rpm [2.8M (1.8M/s)]
Executing --upgrade -vh --root / --define
_check_dirname_deps 1...
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:glibc-ld ########################################### [ 50%]
2:glibc ########################################### [100%]
[root at 6aff3df5fe9a /]# cp -a /var/lib/rpm/ /tmp/rpm2
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/__db.001': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/__db.002': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/__db.003': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/__db.004': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/__db.005': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/__db.006': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Arch': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Basenames': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Conflictname': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/DB_CONFIG': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Dirnames': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Filedigests': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Filepaths': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Group': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Installtid': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Name': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Nvra': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Obsoletename': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Os': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Packagecolor': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Packages': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Providename': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Pubkeys': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Release': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Requirename': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Seqno': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Sha1header': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Sigmd5': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Sourcepkgid': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Triggername': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/Version': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/log/log.0000000001': Operation not
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/log': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2/tmp': Operation not permitted
cp: preserving times for '/tmp/rpm2': Operation not permitted
[root at 6aff3df5fe9a /]#
note: at sha256:832f004cc28798aafd758a7e6aa867681f1f860ac22b341dc8a2183a75a53e36
is current alias for
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