spec anacron
Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz
misiek w debian.eu.org
Wto, 22 Wrz 1998, 12:00:04 CEST
No więc zgodnie z zapowiedzią podsyłam speca.
Aaa.. - jak zrobic by katalog
/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/nazwa_pakietu byl usuwany po rpm -ba ?
(hmm dziwne, że nie wiem ;)
To tyle.
PS. Komentarze zostaną oczywiście wyrzucone
PS1. Teraz zabiorę sie za rpma z epic-3.004 (+bajery SrFroGa i inne)
%define program_name anacron
%define program_version 2.0.1
Summary: Periodic command scheduler
Summary(pl): tu powinno być podobnie jak w cron*.{i386,src}.rpm
# A jest wogole w pakiecie cron ?
Name: %{program_name}
Version: %{program_version}
Release: 1
Copyright: GPL
Source0: ftp://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/sunsite/system/daemons/cron/%{program_name}-%{program_version}.tar.gz
Patch0: anacron-2.0.1.pld.patch
Group: Daemons
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{program_name}-%{program_version}-buildroot
Anacron executes commands at intervals specified in days. Unlike
cron, it does not assume that the system is running continuously. It
can therefore be used to control the execution of daily, weekly and
monthly jobs (or anything with a period of n days), on systems that
don't run 24 hours a day. When installed and configured properly,
Anacron will make sure that the commands are run at the specified
intervals as closely as machine-uptime permits.
%description -l pl
Anacron wykonuje komendy w odstępach czasowych podanych w dniach.
W przeciwieństwie do cron'a nie zakłada, że system pracuje w sposób
ciągły. Dlatego też może być używany do wykonywania codziennych,
cotygodniowych i comiesięcznych prac (lub innych z odstępem "n" dni)
w systemie, który nie działa 24 godziny na dobę. Poprawnie zainstalowany
i skonfigurowany Anacron da nam pewność, że komendy są uruchamiane
w sprecyzowanych przedziałach czasu tak dokładnie jak na to pozwala
czas pracy systemu.
[ -z "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" ] && exit 1
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/{usr/sbin,usr/man/man5,usr/man/man8}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/{etc/rc.d/init.d,var/spool/anacron}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.{daily,monthly,weekly}
install anacron $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/sbin/anacron
install anacrontab.5 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man5
install anacron.8 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man8
install anacron.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/anacron
install 0anacron.daily $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.daily/0anacron
install 0anacron.monthly $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.monthly/0anacron
install 0anacron.weekly $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.weekly/0anacron
install anacrontab $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc
#IMHO doce w /usr/doc/ powinny być kompresowane (i to koniecznie)
# chciałem bzip2'em ale potem nie mogłem zaglądać do nich jeśli były nadal w
# rpmie (korzystając z mc)
[ -z "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" ] && exit 1
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%attr(0644, root, root) %doc README.gz NEWS.gz
%attr(0755, root, root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/anacron
%attr(0700, root, root) /usr/sbin/anacron
%attr(0600, root, root) %config /etc/anacrontab
%attr(0644, root, man) /usr/man/man5/anacrontab.5
%attr(0644, root, man) /usr/man/man8/anacron.8
%attr(0700, root, root) %dir /var/spool/anacron
%attr(0711, root, root) /etc/cron.daily/0anacron
%attr(0711, root, root) /etc/cron.monthly/0anacron
%attr(0711, root, root) /etc/cron.weekly/0anacron
* Mon Sep 21 1998 Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <misiek w misiek.eu.org>
- spec modified for PLD distribution
- added pl translations
- added -q to %setup
- added 0anacron files
- added %clean section
- removed COPYING from %doc. This is in Copyright: field.
diff -urN anacron-2.0.1.orig/0anacron.daily anacron-2.0.1/0anacron.daily
--- anacron-2.0.1.orig/0anacron.daily Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ anacron-2.0.1/0anacron.daily Thu May 14 21:52:08 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# anacron's cron script
+# This script updates anacron time stamps. It is called through run-parts
+# either by anacron itself or by cron.
+# The script is called "0anacron" to assure that it will be executed
+# _before_ all other scripts.
+anacron -u cron.daily
diff -urN anacron-2.0.1.orig/0anacron.monthly anacron-2.0.1/0anacron.monthly
--- anacron-2.0.1.orig/0anacron.monthly Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ anacron-2.0.1/0anacron.monthly Thu May 14 21:52:08 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# anacron's cron script
+# This script updates anacron time stamps. It is called through run-parts
+# either by anacron itself or by cron.
+# The script is called "0anacron" to assure that it will be executed
+# _before_ all other scripts.
+anacron -u cron.monthly
diff -urN anacron-2.0.1.orig/0anacron.weekly anacron-2.0.1/0anacron.weekly
--- anacron-2.0.1.orig/0anacron.weekly Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ anacron-2.0.1/0anacron.weekly Thu May 14 21:52:08 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# anacron's cron script
+# This script updates anacron time stamps. It is called through run-parts
+# either by anacron itself or by cron.
+# The script is called "0anacron" to assure that it will be executed
+# _before_ all other scripts.
+anacron -u cron.weekly
diff -urN anacron-2.0.1.orig/anacron.init anacron-2.0.1/anacron.init
--- anacron-2.0.1.orig/anacron.init Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ anacron-2.0.1/anacron.init Mon Sep 21 22:38:25 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# chkconfig: 2345 61 39
+# description: anacron executes commands at intervals specified in days.
+# Modified for PLD by Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <misiek w misiek.eu.org>
+# source function library
+. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ echo "Uruchamiam Anacron ..."
+ /usr/sbin/anacron -s
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ echo "Zatrzymuję Anacron ..."
+ /usr/bin/killall -q -USR1 anacron
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $0 stop
+ $0 start
+ ;;
+ status)
+ status anacron
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Użycie: anacron {start|stop|status|restart}"
+ exit 1
+exit 0
diff -urN anacron-2.0.1.orig/anacrontab anacron-2.0.1/anacrontab
--- anacron-2.0.1.orig/anacrontab Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ anacron-2.0.1/anacrontab Mon Sep 21 22:47:03 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# /etc/anacrontab: configuration file for anacron
+# See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.
+# These entries are useful for a Debian system.
+1 5 cron.daily run-parts /etc/cron.daily
+7 10 cron.weekly run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
+30 15 cron.monthly run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
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http://www.misiek.eu.org mailto:misiek w debian.eu.org
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