[rrp@gmx.net: English PLD List]
ser w metalab.unc.edu
Nie, 17 Gru 2000, 17:55:52 CET
albo to jakas podpucha, albo rezcywiscie powinnismy
sie zinternacjonalizowac...
pld-english w pld.org.pl ?
----- Forwarded message from rrp <rrp w gmx.net> -----
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2000 15:15:31 UTC
From: rrp <rrp w gmx.net>
Subject: English PLD List
To: pld-list-owner w pld.org.pl
X-Mailer: TradeClient 0.7.3-1 [de_DE] Linux 2.2.16-22
Importance: Normal
X-Accept-Language: de_DE
Sensitivity: Public-Document
Hello PLD,
I subscribed to your PLD news list.
The first mails I got were all in Polish, which I do not understand :(
Is there a PLD news list in English language?
I like PLD very much. My distribution is Red Hat 7.0, but I use
some components from PLD 1.0, because they are better !!
So please continue with the good work,
----- End forwarded message -----
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-devel-pl