Unsolved problems with KDE and applnk
Michal Zawalich
michuz w pld.org.pl
Sob, 30 Gru 2000, 13:27:36 CET
I found two problems to solve considering KDE and applnk.
The first problem: KDE can't show icons that belong to ".directory"
files from GNOME. Propably KDE doesn't read them from pixmaps directory
but form pixmaps/{locolor,hicolor}. I would be grateful if any volunteer
who can fix KDE could check it out :).
The second problem: KDE can't rescale icons to correct sizes in menu.
Unfortunetly this might be feature, not bug. :(
If the first issue is solved then there is no obsticle to put icons to
applnk package.
+-------------------+ Niezależnie od tego, jaką drogą jedziesz,
@| Michał Zawalich |@ zawsze jest pod górę.
/-| michuz w pld.org.pl |-\
/| +-------------------+ |\ [pierwsze prawo jazdy na rowerze]
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