errr - what's wrong with sshd?
Michal Margula
alchemyx w
Wto, 6 Lut 2001, 09:37:56 CET
alchemyx w mephisto sklep$ ssh 195.205.28.xx -l alchemyx
alchemyx w mephisto sklep$ ssh alchemyx w 195.205.28.xx
alchemyx w 195.205.28.xx's password:
login: -h for super-user only.
Connection to 195.205.28.xx closed.
alchemyx w mephisto sklep$ ssh root w 195.205.28.xx
root w 195.205.28.xx's password:
Last login: Tue Feb 6 09:34:31 from
skynet /root~#
Michal Margula, alchemyx w, ICQ UIN 12267440, +), PL section of Linux Counter maintainer
"W życiu piękne są tylko chwile." [Ryszard Riedel]
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