Radosław Kintzi
lists w
Nie, 10 Lis 2002, 00:23:32 CET
Zauważyłem, że maildrop jest kompilowany z opcjami:
--enable-trusted-users='root mail daemon postmaster exim qmaild mmdf'
Czy to nie jest błąd?
W INSTALL jest napisane:
* --enable-restrict-trusted=flag - if set to 1, maildrop permits
only certain "trusted" user or group IDs to use the -d option.
Setting this variable to 0 allows anyone to use the -d option
(provided that maildrop has set-userid-to-root privileges). This
allows certain denial-of-service attacks, so this setting is not
recommended. The default value is 1.
* --enable-trusted-users='...' - sets the list of users allowed to
use the -d option if --enable-restrict-trusted is set to 1. If
--enable-restrict-trusted is set to 0, this option is not used.
|: Radosław Kintzi :|
|: e-mail: redek w :|: home page: coming soon :|: GG: 2199600 :|
|: ==================================================================== :|
|: $#%@ malaga, tikitaki i kasztanki @%#$ :|
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