[STBR/security] snort
Michał J. Podyma
misiek w r-h.pl
Śro, 16 Kwi 2003, 11:26:17 CEST
Czy kto moze puscisc snorta na buildery z RA-brancha,
i potem zapakowac do security updates ??
From: CORE Security Technologies Advisories
<advisories w coresecurity.com> To: Bugtraq <bugtraq w securityfocus.com>
Subject: CORE-2003-0307: Snort TCP Stream Reassembly Integer Overflow
Vulnerability Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 16:01:41 -0300
Organization: CORE Security Technologies
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*Vulnerability Description*
Snort is a very popular open source network intrusion detection
system. It can detect hundreds of different attacks by analyzing
packets received on the network and applying a database of pattern
matching rules. Snort also comes with modules and plugins that
perform a variety of functions such as protocol analysis, output,
and logging. For more information about Snort visit
The stream4 preprocessor module is a Snort plugin that reassembles
TCP traffic before passing it on to be analyzed. It also detects
several types of IDS evasion attacks.
We have discovered an exploitable heap overflow in this module
resulting from sequence number calculations that overflow a
32 bit integer variable.
To exploit this vulnerability an attacker does not need to know on
which host the Snort sensor is running. It is only necessary to
guess where to send traffic that the Snort sensor will 'see' and
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could lead to
execution of arbitrary commands on a system running the Snort sensor
with the privileges of the user running the snort process (usually
root), a denial of service attack against the snort sensor and
possibly the implementation of IDS evasion techniques that would
prevent the sensor from detecting attacks on the monitored network.
*Vulnerable packages:*
. Snort 2.0 versions prior to RC1
. Snort 1.9.x
. Snort 1.8.x
. IDSes and other security appliances using snort technology embedded.
... ciach ...
Michał J. Podyma <michalp w r-h.pl> <michalp w cna.us.edu.pl>
SySadmin @ R - H . PL [ http://f.com.pl ]
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