[cyrus-sasl] kombinatorstwo?...
Paweł Sikora
pluto w ds14.agh.edu.pl
Pią, 19 Gru 2003, 17:12:20 CET
$Log: cyrus-sasl.spec,v $
Revision 1.107 2003/12/04 10:27:29 jajcus
- PostgreSQL support. Disabled by default.
When both mysql and pgsql are enabled then both subpackages
are exactly the same and supports both mysql and pgsql.
"--with pgsql --without mysql" and
"--with-mysql --without-pgsql" work as expected.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a to niby czemu mam wybierac
albo rybke albo akwarium
jesli chce miec rybke z akwarium?
skoro ./configure lyka
--enable-sql \
%{?with_mysql: --with-mysql=%{_prefix}} \
%{?with_pgsql: --with-pgsql=%{_prefix}} \
a ze zrodel powstaje *jedna* biblioteka obslugujaca
jednego, badz oba sql'e, to proponuje stworzyc jeden pakiet cyrus-sasl-sql
zamiast dziwnego podzialy na [my/pg]sql.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke
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