cdrtools.spec i licencja
Marcin Krzyzanowski
krzak w
Wto, 30 Gru 2003, 20:21:02 CET
cdrtools-2.01/cdrecord/LICENSE :
This software is under GPL with the following limitations:
- You may not modify certain copyright messages in cdrecord.c
See cdrecord.c for further information.
- You may (with a few exceptions) not modify the location of the
configuration file /etc/default/cdrecord.
See defaults.c for further information.
defaults.c :
* WARNING you are only allowed to change this filename if you also
* change the documentation and add a statement that makes clear
* where the official location of the file is why you did choose a
* nonstandard location and that the nonstandard location only refers
* to inofficial cdrecord versions.
cdrtools-config.patch dokonuje zmian ktore
nie spelniaja IMHO calkowicie warunkow licencji. Chodzi mi zwlaszcza o informacji na temat
dokonanej zmiany.
ktos sie nad tym juz zastanawial ?
[ ] Marcin Krzyżanowski
[ ] Powered by PLD
[ ] GNU Gadu
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