niespodzianka z builderem
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
arekm w
Wto, 8 Lip 2003, 01:05:28 CEST
On/Dnia Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 12:55:00AM +0200, Paweł Gołaszewski wrote/napisał(a)
> Tym razem to mnie zaskoczył... Ktoś mi wytłumaczy dlaczego on się tak
> zachowuje??? Ja nie widzę powodu...
> $ ./builder -Tvs -r RA-branch psi.spec
> # $Revision: $, $Date: 2003/07/07 22:49:50 $
> psi-0.9.tar.bz2 having proper md5sum already exists
> Version:
> Release:
> CVS tag: --
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi-0.9.tar.bz2' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
> cvs server: nothing known about psi-0.9.tar.bz2
> cvs [server aborted]: correct the above errors first!
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi.desktop' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi-paths.patch' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi-certs.patch' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi-additional_features.patch' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi-pld.patch' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
> cvs [tag aborted]: tag `psi.spec' must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
[arekm w ep09 SPECS]$ rpm -q --qf '%{NAME}\n' --specfile psi.spec
error: bad date in %changelog: ** empty log message ***
error: query of specfile psi.spec failed, can't parse
> pozdr. Paweł Gołaszewski
Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz CS at FoE, Wroclaw University of Technology
arekmatssedotpl AM2-6BONE, 1024/3DB19BBD, arekm(at)ircnet, PLD/Linux
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