[ooo-announce] Announcing OpenOffice.org 1.1 Beta (fwd)
Paweł Gołaszewski
blues w ds.pg.gda.pl
Śro, 26 Mar 2003, 17:51:16 CET
...a u nas kończy się paczkować 1.0 :))))
pozdr. Paweł Gołaszewski
CPU not found - software emulation...
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 16:37:30 +0000 (GMT)
From: Sander Vesik <Sander.Vesik w Sun.COM>
Reply-To: announce w openoffice.org
To: releases w openoffice.org, announce w openoffice.org, users w openoffice.org,
discuss w openoffice.org, dev w openoffice.org, dev w marketing.openoffice.org
Subject: [ooo-announce] Announcing OpenOffice.org 1.1 Beta
Announcing OpenOffice.org 1.1 Beta
We are glad to announce that the next OpenOffice.org version
(OpenOffice.org 1.1) has reached an important milestone and is now
available for download as OpenOffice.org 1.1 Beta. It represents a
significant advance in the application and incorporates the features and
changes introduced in the developer builds over the past year. The release
includes a massive amount of new and exciting functionality, features and
bugfixes, the highlights are:
* Many new import/export formats like PDF, Macromedia Flash,
DocBook, several PDA Office file formats, flat XML and XHTML
* Support for Complex Text Layout (CTL) and vertical writing
languages, such as Thai, Hindi, Arabic, Hebrew
* Enhanced integration with Java, with up to 10 times better performance
* Support for Accessibility throughout the entire suite
* Support for add-on components
* Initial support for recovering damaged OOo files
* Support for a new data source type - MySQL
* Improved online help
For a more complete list of features please see:
While OpenOffice.org 1.1 beta is ready for day-to-day use and we would
like as many people as possible to test it we must be stress that this is
still a beta version and thus contains more bugs than a final version
would. The QA project wants all bug-submitters to keep in mind that they
should rember to pick the right version number ("1.1 beta") when
submitting bugs to IssueZilla (http://www.openoffice.org/project_issues.html).
Thanks for supporting the OpenOffice.org project.
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