TAGowanie zakazane.
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
ankry w green.mif.pg.gda.pl
Pon, 26 Maj 2003, 14:24:40 CEST
> On Mon, 26 May 2003, Andrzej Krzysztofowicz wrote:
> > > Tia... Tomasz zapomniał wspomnieć o takim "drobiazgu", że chce to
> > > trzymać w bitkeeperze... Wtedy zaczyna to mieć _jakikolwiek_ sens.
> > Ale pojawia sie inne pytanie: po co wowczas w ogole cvs ?
> Licencja bk nie pozwala na użycie go do czegokolwiek innego niż kernel.
> Finito.
W ktorym punkcie ?
Licensees may freely install, use, copy, and distribute Conform-
ing Software.
(a) Maintaining Open Logging Feature: (...)
[ to samo robimy w cvs-ie ]
(b) Accessing Others' BitKeeper Package: You may only use the
BitKeeper Software to access a BitKeeper Package created by
BitMover or third parties if You comply with the license of
the BitKeeper Package (...)
[ to nas raczej nie dotyczy ]
(c) Maintaining Open Source: It is the intent of BitMover that
Your use of BitKeeper under this license is for the purpose
of maintaining Open Source. (...)
[ to chyba nam nie przeszkadza ... ]
(d) Notwithstanding any other terms in this License, this
License is not available to You if You and/or your employer
develop, produce, sell, and/or resell a product which con-
tains substantially similar capabilities of the BitKeeper
[ tu moze byc grozba ograniczenia liczby deweloperow. Ktos pod to
podpada? ]
(e) Inclusion with another product having source and/or config-
uration management features: Inclusion of the BitKeeper
[ moze nawet daloby sie dystrybuowac? Pytanie, czy wystarczyloby
obsoletes na cvs/subversion, bo o ile to rozumiem, nie moga
wspolistniec w systemie ]
Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz ankry w mif.pg.gda.pl
phone (48)(58) 347 14 61
Faculty of Applied Phys. & Math., Gdansk University of Technology
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