HEAD rhythmbox
Marcin Krzyzanowski
krzak w linux.net.pl
Wto, 25 Lis 2003, 23:37:52 CET
I rhythmbox-0.6.1-2
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1:rhythmbox ###########################################
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/legal.xml:1: parser error : Missing
encoding in text declaration
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:72: error: Failure to
process entity legal
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:72: parser error :
Entity 'legal' not defined
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/authors.xml:1: parser error : Missing
encoding in text declaration
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:213: error: Failure to
process entity authors
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:213: parser error :
Entity 'authors' not defined
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/user-guide.xml:1: parser error :
Missing encoding in text declaration
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:215: error: Failure to
process entity user-guide
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/quick-reference.xml:1: parser error :
Missing encoding in text declaration
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:216: error: Failure to
process entity quick
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xml:216: parser error :
Entity 'quick' not defined
Document is not well-formed XML:
/usr/share/gnome/help/rhythmbox/C/rhythmbox.xmlRemember to install
appropriate gstreamer plugins for files
you want to play:
- gstreamer-mad (for mp3s)
- gstreamer-vorbis (for Ogg Vorbis)
- gstreamer-flac (for FLAC)
[ http://krzak.linux.net.pl/ ] Marcin Krzyżanowski
[ http://docs.pld-linux.org/ ] Powered by PLD
[ http://www.gadu.gnu.pl/ ] GNU Gadu
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