wlasnosci katalogow
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
ankry w green.mif.pg.gda.pl
Nie, 25 Lip 2004, 14:21:32 CEST
havner wrote:
> Zdziwilem sie niezmiernie jak sie okazalo, ze mam 700 na cale/en_US/.=20
> Sprawdzam ten katalog i co sie okazuje? Nie nalezy do zadnego pakietu i=20
> zrobilo sie tak przez umask root'a.
> havner w sirius havner $ rpm -qf /usr/share/locale/en_US/
> file /usr/share/locale/en_US is not owned by any package
> havner w sirius havner $ rpm -qf /usr/share/locale/en_GB/
> glibc-misc-2.3.4-0.20040707.1
> file C is not owned by any package
W srodku tylko plik cups-a. Nie wiem co z tym zrobic: cups i lokalizacje to
osobna bajka.
> file dk is not owned by any package
powinno byc juz wyciepane do da
> file en w boldquot is not owned by any package
nie wiem
> file en_CA is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file en w quot is not owned by any package
nie wiem
> file en_US is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file fa_IR is not owned by any package
przeniesc do fa
> file fo is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file gu is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file ia is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc (ale interlingua nie jest wspierana...)
> file ja_JP is not owned by any package
przeniesc do ja
> file ko.UTF-8 is not owned by any package
przeniesc do ko
> file leet is not owned by any package
nie wiem - to raczej jakis zart; na moje mozna wyciac razem z zawartoscia
> file li is not owned by any package
niewspierane locale - nie wiem.
> file mi is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file mr is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file ne is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file no is not owned by any package
w trakcie przenoszenia przeze mnie i qboosha do nb
> file nso is not owned by any package
niewspierane locale - nie wiem.
> file pa is not owned by any package
dodane do glibc
> file pt_PT is not owned by any package
przeniesc do pt
> file ru_RU is not owned by any package
przeniesc do ru
> file sr w ije is not owned by any package
mam w TODO dodanie tego locale do glibc.
> file uk_UA is not owned by any package
przeniesc do uk
> file uz w Latn is not owned by any package
nad tym sie jeszcze zastanawiam
> file ven is not owned by any package
niewspierane locale - nie wiem.
> file xx is not owned by any package
powinno byc wyciepane
> file zh is not owned by any package
nie powinno tego byc w ogole
> file zh.GBK is not owned by any package
jest cos w srodku?
> file zh_HK.BIG5HK is not owned by any package
-> zh_HK
> file zh_TW.BIG5 is not owned by any package
-> zh_TW
> Tu jest chyba cos nie tak. Czy az tylu lokalizacji glibce nie supportuja?
Sporo nie supportuja. Pozostale nalezy raczej zunifikowac, niz mnozyc
katalogi o tej samej funkcjonalnosci.
Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz ankry w mif.pg.gda.pl
phone (48)(58) 347 14 61
Faculty of Applied Phys. & Math., Gdansk University of Technology
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