Różnice pomiędzy athlon a 686 (Było Re: freespace@ep09)

Bartosz Taudul wolf42 w wp.pl
Śro, 3 Mar 2004, 00:54:27 CET

On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 06:33:46PM +0100, pbern w pbern.biz wrote:
> Napisz jak testowales.. a ja zrobie porownanie i686 a p4... 
Odwracanie macierzy 500x500 (http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/test.tar.bz2):

gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -s matrix.c
./a.out  3,64s user 0,02s system 100% cpu 3,646 total
./a.out  3,64s user 0,01s system 99% cpu 3,657 total
./a.out  3,64s user 0,01s system 99% cpu 3,665 total
gcc -march=i586 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -s matrix.c
./a.out  3,61s user 0,01s system 99% cpu 3,625 total
./a.out  3,61s user 0,02s system 100% cpu 3,626 total
./a.out  3,62s user 0,01s system 100% cpu 3,628 total
gcc -march=i686 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -s matrix.c
./a.out  3,51s user 0,02s system 100% cpu 3,519 total
./a.out  3,50s user 0,02s system 99% cpu 3,524 total
./a.out  3,51s user 0,01s system 100% cpu 3,515 total
gcc -march=athlon-xp -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -s matrix.c
./a.out  3,35s user 0,01s system 99% cpu 3,364 total
./a.out  3,34s user 0,02s system 100% cpu 3,350 total
./a.out  3,35s user 0,01s system 100% cpu 3,356 total

i386 -> i586:	szybciej o 1%
i586 -> i686:	szybciej o 3%
i686 -> athlon:	szybciej o 5%

Ktoś tu mówił o zerowej różnicy między athlonem a i686...

Robienie ogg-a:
oggenc Wladza_analmix_1996.mp3.wav  23,93s user 0,12s system 99% cpu 24,075 total
oggenc Wladza_analmix_1996.mp3.wav  23,96s user 0,10s system 99% cpu 24,077 total
oggenc Wladza_analmix_1996.mp3.wav  23,91s user 0,11s system 99% cpu 24,070 total
oggenc Wladza_analmix_1996.mp3.wav  21,30s user 0,12s system 99% cpu 21,430 total
oggenc Wladza_analmix_1996.mp3.wav  21,29s user 0,10s system 99% cpu 21,464 total
oggenc Wladza_analmix_1996.mp3.wav  21,27s user 0,11s system 99% cpu 21,404 total

Szybciej o 12%, ale przecież to tyle co zero.

  Bartek   .  - A bo ja to jestem taka wredna małpa.
  Taudul   :  
w o l f @ p l d - l i n u x . o r g            .:. http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/
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