apache-mod_perl vs apache 1.3.31
Jakub Bogusz
qboosh w pld-linux.org
Pią, 21 Maj 2004, 20:28:38 CEST
Prawdopodobnie dotyczy to także Ra oraz apache1 w Ac - mógłby ktoś
----- Forwarded message from Mandrake Linux Security Team <security w linux-mandrake.com> -----
Subject: MDKSA-2004:046-1 - apache-mod_perl packages are now available
Due to the changes in mod_digest.so, mod_perl needed to be rebuilt
against the patched Apache packages in order for httpd-perl to
properly load the module. The appropriate mod_perl packages have
been rebuilt and are now available.
----- End forwarded message -----
Jakub Bogusz http://cyber.cs.net.pl/~qboosh/
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