Daniel Mróz beorn w
Czw, 27 Maj 2004, 09:55:26 CEST

wrobell napisał(a):
>>"PLD Team" tzn. kto? Bo w świetle prawa taki podmiot nie istnieje...
> wzorem postgresql.spec:
> -----------
> PLD development  is being  performed by  a team  of Internet
> developers who all subscribe  to the PLD development mailing
> list.  PLD Team  is  now responsible  for  all current  and
> future development of PLD.
> -----------
Ja jestem zapisany na liste devel, a nie jestem developerem. Proponuje 
uscislic powyzszy opis.


Daniel `Beorn' Mróz      <beorn w>
GCS/E d+(pu) s: a-@ C++++ UL++++$ P+++ L+++ E--- X W+++ N++ o? K- w---
O  M-  V-  PS  PE- !Y PGP t- 5- R tv-- b+ DI++ D+++ G++ e  h!  r--  y+

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