Administrativia: rsync z ep09
Marcin Bohosiewicz
marcus w
Wto, 10 Maj 2005, 00:20:29 CEST
1. Rsync zasobow
$ rsync rsync://
distfiles Rsync Server of the distfiles
ftp Rsync Server of the whole PLD (with iso images)
pld Rsync Server of the whole PLD (without iso images)
pld-all Rsync Server of the whole PLD (with iso images)
iso Rsync server for PLD iso images
pld_iso Rsync server for PLD iso images
pld_1.0 Rsync Server of the first release of PLD (Ra)
pld_1.1 Rsync Server of the 1.1 release of PLD
pld_ra Rsync Server of the first release of PLD (Ra)
pld_1.0_iso Rsync Server of the first release of PLD (Ra) - iso images
pld_stable Rsync Server of the stable release of PLD (Ra)
pld_2.0 Rsync Server of the second release of PLD (Ac)
pld_2.0_iso Rsync Server of the first release of PLD - iso images
test Rsync Server of 'the test' PLD Ra
pld_test Rsync Server of 'the test' PLD Ra
test_1.0 Rsync Server of 'the test' PLD Ra
pld_test_1.0 Rsync Server of 'the test' PLD Ra
test_2.0 Rsync Server of 'the test' PLD Ac
pld_test_2.0 Rsync Server of 'the test' PLD Ac
people Rsync Server of 'the people' PLD
llh Linux Libc Headers
Nalezuy stosowac WYLACZNIE adres:
2. CVS:
$ rsync rsync://
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for access, please contact: cvsadmin(at)
cvs PLD CVS server - all resources
svn PLD Subversion server -- all resources
Nalezy stosowac adrsesy: lub
-| == Marcin Bohosiewicz - MB8042-RIPE - marcus w == |-
-| == tel. +48 601 485097 - PLD Team - marcus w == |-
-| == - == |-
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