X11-driver-firegl.spec (up to 8.19.10)

Paweł Sikora pluto w agmk.net
Pon, 14 Lis 2005, 19:19:55 CET

Revision 1.106  2005/11/13 16:48:02  patrys
- up to 8.19.10
- temporarily commented out patch4 (not sure if still applicable)
- rel. 0.1

łatka -verify_area.patch zmienia raptem 1 wiersz:

__ke_verify_area(int type, const void * addr, unsigned long size)
-    return verify_area(type, addr, size);
+    return (access_ok(type, addr, size) ? 0 : -EFAULT);

tak ciężko sprawdzić w kodzie czy to juz poprawili?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
  is for good men to do nothing.
                                           - Edmund Burke

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