rpm 4.4.7 + poldek [crosspost z devel-en]

Patryk Zawadzki patrys w pld-linux.org
Czw, 2 Lis 2006, 22:35:17 CET

As you might have already guessed, Jeff dropped all the deprecated stuff
from this release of rpm. Now it's there in Th. Don't upgrade.

poldek makes use of most of the deprecated functions that are now gone
(Jeff says some of them were marked as deprecated for as long as 6 whole

DEVEL branch contains my attempt at making poldek usable again. There is
a poldek-deprecated.patch that fixes the building process but
unfortunately, other things are not that easy to fix:

[patrys w meaw SOURCES]$ LC_ALL=C poldek
Loading [pndir]th...
Loading [pndir]th...
Loading [pndir]th-test...
Loading [pndir]th-test...
13041 packages read
Removed 11 duplicate packages from available set
error: db4 error(146746632) from db->set_cachesize: Unknown error 146746632
error: db4 error(22) from db->close: Invalid argument
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Unknown error 146746632 (146746632)
error: //var/lib/rpm: open rpm database failed
error: Load installed packages failed

While I am completely unfamiliar with the above, can anyone try and fix

Pawel Gajda (poldek's author) is not answering emails sent to
mis w pld-linux.org

Patryk Zawadzki <patrys w pld-linux.org>
PLD Linux
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