nano nowy .spec ?

kaneda w kaneda w
Nie, 10 Wrz 2006, 15:05:33 CEST


Prosze o przejrzenie moich zmian w nano.spec i ewentualne uwzglednienie w 
niedalekiej przyszlosci aka zacommitowanie ... :]

Zalaczam plik .spec, diff do pliku .spec, i poprawiony patch.


[+] You can take our lives,but you will never take our Freedom - W.Wallace
[+] Peace on earth depends on the peace in the peoples hearts - Dalai Lama
[+] Revolution the only solution - System of a down...
[+] Dalej idac dalej dojdziesz dalej siedzac dalej siedzisz - etoe aka ok0
[-] Kanedaaa... Bohateur... Cucumber Team Member...     kaneda w
-------------- następna część ---------
# $Revision: 1.79 $, $Date: 2006/09/10 01:24:43 $
Summary:	nano - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
Summary(pl):	nano - jeszcze jeden edytor, darmowy, rozbudowany klon Pico
Name:		nano
Version:	1.9.99pre1
Release:	1
License:	GPL v2
Group:		Applications/Editors
# Source0-md5:	6409c8333052e60a83d3c5175f1ff7b7
Source1:	%{name}.desktop
Source2:	%{name}.png
Patch0:		%{name}-info.patch
BuildRequires:	autoconf
BuildRequires:	automake
BuildRequires:	gettext-devel
BuildRequires:	glib-devel
BuildRequires:	ncurses-devel >= 5.0
BuildRequires:	texinfo
BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)

nano (Nano's ANOther editor) is a small, free and friendly editor which 
aims to replace Pico, the default editor included in the non-free Pine 
package.  Rather than just copying Pico's look and feel, nano also 
implements some missing (or disabled by default) features in Pico, 
such as "search and replace" and "go to line number".

%description -l pl
nano to mały, wolny i przyjazny edytor, którego celem jest zastąpienie Pico, 
standardowego edytora zawartego w nie wolnym pakiecie Pine. Oprócz wyglądu oraz 
interfejsu, nano posiada kilka brakujących (lub wyłączonych standardowo) w Pico 
funkcji, takich jak: "znajdź i zastąp" lub "idź do linii numer".

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1

%configure \

install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_desktopdir},%{_pixmapsdir}}

%{__make} install \

install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir}
install %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}

%find_lang %{name}


[ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1

[ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1

%files -f %{name}.lang
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/nano

%define	date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>

$Log: nano.spec,v $
Revision 1.79  2006/09/10 01:24:43  kanedaaa
- up to 1.9.99pre1
- added new %doc files
- updated nano-info.patch
- removed nano-ncurses-ncurses.h patch
- added more functionality via configure --enable-all
- added fr man

Revision 1.78  2005/06/12 14:20:10  megabajt
- up to 1.2.5

Revision 1.77  2005/05/02 18:11:44  pluto
- release 3 for Th.

Revision 1.76  2004/11/05 14:35:40  paladine
- rel 2 for fixed desktop file

Revision 1.75  2004/07/09 21:50:18  adamg
- updated to 1.2.4

Revision 1.74  2004/02/19 22:46:11  eothane
- up to 1.2.3

Revision 1.73  2004/01/19 13:49:34  qboosh
- really removed patch

Revision 1.72  2004/01/19 13:26:05  qboosh
- removed obsolete no patch, follow glibc 2.3.3 (no_NO -> nb_NO)
- release 4

Revision 1.71  2003/12/06 18:49:16  freetz
- moved to desktopdir

Revision 1.70  2003/11/23 04:58:26  speedy
- release 2 for AC

Revision 1.69  2003/09/15 07:18:46  adamg
- updated to 1.2.2

Revision 1.68  2003/09/09 00:27:03  ankry
- nb -> no, rel. 6

Revision 1.67  2003/07/28 20:39:57  blues
- cosmetic

Revision 1.66  2003/06/01 11:41:37  mmazur
- rel. 4
- goto ankry

Revision 1.65  2003/05/28 12:59:50  malekith
- massive attack: source-md5

Revision 1.64  2003/05/25 05:50:58  misi3k
- massive attack s/

Revision 1.63  2003/05/19 12:24:34  djrzulf
- added missing BR: glib-devel

Revision 1.62  2003/05/11 14:51:51  kloczek
- bump release to 3 for allow upgrade from RH,
- added ncurses-ncurses.h patch - now ins't neccessary passing
  -I/usr/include/ncurses to autoconf enviroment (patch posted to maintainer).

Revision 1.61  2003/05/10 18:54:41  areq
- 1.2.1

Revision 1.60  2002/11/07 16:36:02  jk
- typo in polish description

Revision 1.59  2002/11/05 00:22:59  ankry
- desktop fixed, rel. 3

Revision 1.58  2002/10/30 13:00:40  ankry
- desktop moved to toplevel Editors, rel. 2

Revision 1.57  2002/10/30 06:44:27  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.12: bug fixes,
- add am_fixes patch,
- added png icon for desktop file.

Revision 1.56  2002/10/29 01:32:44  ankry
- added desktop file, rel. 3

Revision 1.55  2002/10/09 13:25:37  kloczek
- release 2.

Revision 1.54  2002/10/09 10:30:41  qboosh
- BR: gettext-devel; new %%doc

Revision 1.53  2002/08/13 08:20:40  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.10: bugfixes.

Revision 1.52  2002/05/21 23:14:13  kloczek
- perl -pi -e "s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\%\{__automake\}/; \
               s/^automake -a -c -f/\%\{__automake\}/; \

Revision 1.51  2002/05/13 06:25:23  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.9.

Revision 1.50  2002/04/07 08:51:23  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.8 (bugfix version),
- added info pages to %files.

Revision 1.49  2002/03/24 23:28:22  kloczek
- perl -pi -e "s/^automake -a -c$/automake -a -c -f/"

Revision 1.48  2002/02/22 23:29:18  kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
  Group field using gettext).

Revision 1.47  2002/01/26 15:17:46  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.6 (new regexp and bugfixes).

Revision 1.46  2002/01/18 02:14:00  kloczek
- perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"

Revision 1.45  2002/01/06 05:12:41  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.5 (bug fix release).

Revision 1.44  2001/12/18 09:52:03  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.4 (added color syntax support and bug fixes).

Revision 1.43  2001/12/06 15:45:00  qboosh
- pl description, release 2

Revision 1.42  2001/10/29 18:54:17  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.3.

Revision 1.41  2001/10/06 16:32:48  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.2.

Revision 1.40  2001/07/30 09:34:26  kloczek
- updated to 1.1.1,
- added ac_fixes patch (use standard AM_GNU_GETTEXT and AC_SYS_LARGEFILE).

Revision 1.39  2001/07/15 20:10:24  areq
- 1.1.0, STBR

Revision 1.38  2001/07/02 03:18:22  kloczek
- updated to 1.0.3.

Revision 1.37  2001/05/13 15:58:03  kloczek
- updated to 1.0.2.

Revision 1.36  2001/04/30 16:05:25  kloczek
- added using %%{rpmcflags} macro.

Revision 1.35  2001/04/09 15:32:51  kloczek
- updated to 1.0.1,
- removed "gettextize --copy --force" from %build (now isn't neccessary).

Revision 1.34  2001/03/23 10:49:49  mis
- updated (by autoup) to 1.0.0

Revision 1.33  2001/01/25 20:03:25  misiek
- Massive attack. We use -O0 instead -O flags while debug enabled.

Revision 1.32  2001/01/08 23:11:55  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.25.

Revision 1.31  2000/12/19 13:41:39  kloczek
- uapdated to 0.9.24.

Revision 1.30  2000/12/09 22:40:48  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.23.

Revision 1.29  2000/12/04 06:16:43  kloczek
- uapdated to 0.9.22.

Revision 1.28  2000/11/24 08:30:18  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.21.

Revision 1.27  2000/11/19 06:35:55  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.20.

Revision 1.26  2000/10/03 06:40:18  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.19,
- use rpm new automation suit.

Revision 1.25  2000/09/19 10:44:02  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.18.

Revision 1.24  2000/09/04 22:22:47  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.17.

Revision 1.23  2000/08/10 23:10:54  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.16.

Revision 1.22  2000/08/04 07:48:21  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.15.

Revision 1.21  2000/07/28 11:08:49  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.14.

Revision 1.20  2000/07/23 18:43:18  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.13.

Revision 1.19  2000/07/15 05:12:27  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.12.

Revision 1.18  2000/07/13 23:16:49  baggins
- release 2
- rebuild with ncurses 5.1

Revision 1.17  2000/06/21 08:08:21  zagrodzki
- updated to 0.9.11

Revision 1.16  2000/06/09 07:54:44  kloczek
- more %%{__make} macros.

Revision 1.15  2000/06/09 07:23:26  kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.

Revision 1.14  2000/06/05 15:37:58  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.10.

Revision 1.13  2000/05/31 16:06:20  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.9.

Revision 1.12  2000/05/19 15:21:34  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.8,
- spec adapterized.

Revision 1.11  2000/05/15 05:28:31  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.7.

Revision 1.10  2000/05/09 07:49:16  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.6.

Revision 1.9  2000/05/03 20:19:23  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.5.

Revision 1.8  2000/05/01 23:15:28  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.4.

Revision 1.7  2000/04/17 08:11:00  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.2.

Revision 1.6  2000/04/15 19:24:36  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.1.

Revision 1.5  2000/04/10 04:53:15  kloczek
- updated to 0.9.0.

Revision 1.4  2000/04/01 11:14:58  zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines

Revision 1.3  2000/03/28 16:54:42  baggins
- translated kloczkish into english

Revision 1.2  2000/03/23 14:15:33  kloczek
- completly rewrited in PLD style.
-------------- następna część ---------
--- ./nano.spec.orig	2006-09-10 03:21:47.718385528 +0200
+++ ./nano.spec	2006-09-10 03:23:59.879294016 +0200
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-# $Revision: 1.78 $, $Date: 2005/06/12 14:20:10 $
-Summary:	nano (Nano's ANOther editor)
-Summary(pl):	nano - jeszcze jeden edytor
+# $Revision: 1.79 $, $Date: 2006/09/10 01:24:43 $
+Summary:	nano - Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
+Summary(pl):	nano - jeszcze jeden edytor, darmowy, rozbudowany klon Pico
 Name:		nano
-Version:	1.2.5
+Version:	1.9.99pre1
 Release:	1
 License:	GPL v2
 Group:		Applications/Editors
-# Source0-md5:	f2b3efbf1cf356d736740d531b6b22c4
+# Source0-md5:	6409c8333052e60a83d3c5175f1ff7b7
 Source1:	%{name}.desktop
 Source2:	%{name}.png
 Patch0:		%{name}-info.patch
-Patch1:		%{name}-ncurses-ncurses.h.patch
 BuildRequires:	autoconf
 BuildRequires:	automake
@@ -22,28 +21,25 @@
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-nano (Nano's ANOther editor) is the editor formerly known as TIP (TIP
-Isn't Pico). It aims to emulate Pico as closely as possible while also
-offering a few enhancements.
+nano (Nano's ANOther editor) is a small, free and friendly editor which 
+aims to replace Pico, the default editor included in the non-free Pine 
+package.  Rather than just copying Pico's look and feel, nano also 
+implements some missing (or disabled by default) features in Pico, 
+such as "search and replace" and "go to line number".
 %description -l pl
-nano to edytor wcześniej znany jako TIP (Tip to nIe Pico). Jego celem
-jest emulowanie Pico tak dobrze jak to możliwe, jednocześnie oferując
-kilka rozszerzeń.
+nano to mały, wolny i przyjazny edytor, którego celem jest zastąpienie Pico, 
+standardowego edytora zawartego w nie wolnym pakiecie Pine. Oprócz wyglądu oraz 
+interfejsu, nano posiada kilka brakujących (lub wyłączonych standardowo) w Pico 
+funkcji, takich jak: "znajdź i zastąp" lub "idź do linii numer".
 %setup -q
 %patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
-rm -f missing m4/*.m4
+%configure \
+	--enable-all
@@ -69,12 +65,14 @@
 %files -f %{name}.lang
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/nano
 %define	date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
@@ -82,6 +80,14 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
 $Log: nano.spec,v $
+Revision 1.79  2006/09/10 01:24:43  kanedaaa
+- up to 1.9.99pre1
+- added new %doc files
+- updated nano-info.patch
+- removed nano-ncurses-ncurses.h patch
+- added more functionality via configure --enable-all
+- added fr man
 Revision 1.78  2005/06/12 14:20:10  megabajt
 - up to 1.2.5
-------------- następna część ---------
--- nano-1.9.99pre1/doc/texinfo/nano.texi.orig	Fri Jul 31 01:41:31 2006
+++ nano-1.9.99pre1/doc/texinfo/nano.texi	Wed Sep 10 02:34:34 2006
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 @set VERSION 1.9.99pre1
 @set UPDATED 30 Jul 2006
- w dircategory Editors
+ w dircategory Editors:
-* nano: (nano).                 Small and friendly text editor.
+* nano: (nano).				Small and friendly text editor
 @end direntry
 @c tex

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