hibernate + filewriter
Patryk Zawadzki
patrys w pld-linux.org
Wto, 2 Sty 2007, 04:36:26 CET
Dnia 02-01-2007, wto o godzinie 03:25 +0100, Bartosz ĹwiÄ
tek napisaĹ(a):
> 2007/1/2, Patryk Zawadzki <patrys w pld-linux.org>:
> >
> > Jest resume2=file:/hibernate
> >
> or the filewriter, you should first prepare your suspend file - this
> can be done by configuring your hibernate.conf file with the
> "FilewriterLocation" option, and running hibernate --no-suspend. Then
> take a look in /sys/power/suspend2/resume2 for what to pass to your
> kernel. You should see something like file:/dev/hda7:0x10011f, in
> which case you should append "resume2=file:/dev/hda7:0x10011f" as a
> kernel parameter in your lilo.conf file or GRUB's menu.lst.
W resume2 mam wpisane Ĺmieci, bo wĹaĹnie hibernate nie potrafi stworzyÄ
pliku. Patrz pierwszy list w wÄ
Patryk Zawadzki <patrys w pld-linux.org>
PLD Linux
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