glibc locale handling broken?

Patryk Zawadzki patrys w
Pon, 23 Cze 2008, 16:55:23 CEST

Consider the attached file. The expected behavior is for it to return
four time the exact same set of messages. GNU strptime is guaranteed
to parse POSIX C-formatted strings even if the current locale is not
C. However that's not what I get:

[patrys w purrr Desktop]$ gcc test.c -o test
[patrys w purrr Desktop]$ ./test
DEBUG: Parsed as 00-00-00
DEBUG: Parsed as 23-05-108
DEBUG: Parsed as 23-05-108
DEBUG: Parsed as 23-05-108

The same was tested on other distros and gives four identical results
while on PLD the first one results in a parsing error.

Patryk Zawadzki
PLD Linux Distribution
-------------- następna część ---------
Załącznik, który nie był tekstem został usunięty...
Name: test.c
Type: text/x-csrc
Size: 882 bytes
Desc: nie znany
Url : /mailman/pipermail/pld-devel-pl/attachments/20080623/9b0a7b4c/attachment.bin 

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