SPECS: authconfig
Pawe³ Zuzelski
z w grabina.waw.pl
Czw, 6 Mar 2008, 12:55:21 CET
w załączniku patch do authconfig: upgrade wersji authconfig z 2.0 do 5.3.20.
najważniejsza (przynajmniej dla mnie) różnica jest taka, że nowy authconfig
potrafi skonfigurować autoryzację LDAP (a także SMB i kilka innych systemów
autoryzacji nie obsługiwanych przez stary authconfig).
spec przygotowałem w dużym stopniu opierając się na specu z Red-Hata.
Proszę o opinię. W szczególności mam wątpliwości odnośnie
authconfig-desktop.patch. Bez tego patcha dostaję taki błąd:
/home/users/z/tmp/authconfig-5.3.20-root-z//usr/share/applications/redhat-authconfig.desktop: error: value "user_auth.png" for key "Icon" in group "Desktop Entry" is an icon name with an extension, but there should be no extension as described in the Icon Theme Specification if the value is not an absolute path
Error on file "authconfig.desktop": Failed to validate the created desktop file
Podejrzewam, że sposób w jaki pozbyłem się tego błędu nie jest zbytnio
elegancki. W każdym razie spec się buduje, authconfig działa.
Jeżeli spec jest ok, można prosić o wrzucenie do CVSa?
Paweł Zuzelski
-------------- nastêpna czê¶æ ---------
Załącznik, który nie był tekstem został usunięty...
Name: authconfig-desktop.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 387 bytes
Desc: nie znany
Url : /mailman/pipermail/pld-devel-pl/attachments/20080306/7cd3114f/attachment.bin
-------------- nastêpna czê¶æ ---------
# $Revision: 1.43 $, $Date: 2007-02-12 21:23:48 $
Summary: Text-mode tool for setting up LDAP, NIS and shadow passwords
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Narzędzie do ustawiania przesłoniętych haseł, NIS i LDAP
Name: authconfig
Version: 5.3.20
Release: 1
License: GPL
Group: Base
Source0: http://resources.ync.pl/download/Sources/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
# Source0-md5: f0187a868b30b5dd66b78c2e07d247d4
Patch0: %{name}-desktop.patch
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: gettext-devel
BuildRequires: glib2-devel
BuildRequires: intltool
BuildRequires: perl-XML-Parser
BuildRequires: python >= 2.4.1
BuildRequires: python-devel
Requires: pam >=
Requires: python
Requires: python-modules
Requires: python-snack
Requires: usermode
Conflicts: nss_ldap < 254
Conflicts: pam_krb5 < 1.49
Conflicts: samba-client < 3.0
Conflicts: samba-common < 3.0
ExclusiveOS: Linux
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
Authconfig is a command line utility which can configure a workstation
to use shadow (more secure) passwords. Authconfig can also configure a
system to be a client for certain networked user information and
authentication schemes.
%description -l pl.UTF-8
Authconfig jest terminalowym programem pomagającym skonfigurować hasła
shadow na pracostacji. Authconfig potrafi również skonfigurować
system, aby był klientem dla różnych sieciowych systemów autoryzacji
takich jak NIS albo LDAP.
%package gtk
Summary: Graphical tool for setting up authentication from network services
Group: Base
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pygtk2-libglade >= 2.4.0
%description gtk
Authconfig-gtk is a GUI program which can configure a workstation to
use shadow (more secure) passwords. Authconfig-gtk can also configure
a system to be a client for certain networked user information and
authentication schemes.
%description -l pl.UTF-8
Authconfig-gtk jest graficznym programem pomagającym skonfigurować
hasła shadow na pracostacji. Authconfig potrafi również skonfigurować
system, aby był klientem dla różnych sieciowych systemów autoryzacji
takich jak NIS albo LDAP.
%setup -q
%patch0 -p0
CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -DVERSION=\"${VERSION}\" %{rpmcflags} -Wall"
export CFLAGS
%configure \
%{__make} install \
# remove empty translation files
for f in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo; do
[ "`file $f | sed -e 's/.*,//' -e 's/message.*//'`" -le 1 ] && rm -f $f
%find_lang %{name}
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/acutilmodule.a
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/python*/site-packages/acutilmodule.la
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/%{name}/authconfig-tui.py
ln -s authconfig.py $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/%{name}/authconfig-tui.py
%files -f %{name}.lang
%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/authconfig
%ghost %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) /etc/sysconfig/authconfig
%ghost %config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/authconfig
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/authconfig-tui
%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/cacertdir_rehash
%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/authconfig
%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/authconfig-tui
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/%{name}/authconfig.py
%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/authconfig
%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/authconfig-tui
%config(noreplace) /etc/security/console.apps/authconfig
%config(noreplace) /etc/security/console.apps/authconfig-tui
%files gtk
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/authconfig-gtk
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/system-config-authentication
%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/authconfig-gtk
%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/system-config-authentication
%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/authconfig-gtk
%config(noreplace) /etc/pam.d/system-config-authentication
%config(noreplace) /etc/security/console.apps/authconfig-gtk
%config(noreplace) /etc/security/console.apps/system-config-authentication
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w pld-linux.org>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
$Log: authconfig.spec,v $
Revision 1.43 2007-02-12 21:23:48 glen
- tabs in preamble
Revision 1.42 2007/02/12 00:48:39 baggins
- converted to UTF-8
Revision 1.41 2005/09/16 07:32:27 arekm
- BR new slang
Revision 1.40 2005/06/06 13:57:18 zbyniu
- BR: gettext-devel
Revision 1.39 2004/12/17 21:25:21 sparky
- spanish desc/summary fixes; many just thrown
Revision 1.38 2004/08/04 06:22:24 ankry
- i18n fixes (-po patch), sr -> sr w Latn, rel. 7
Revision 1.37 2004/07/25 23:12:35 ankry
- no -> nb, remove empty trans., rel 6
Revision 1.36 2003/11/25 10:20:15 averne
- r5
Revision 1.35 2003/09/03 12:21:18 qboosh
- cleanups
Revision 1.33 2003/05/28 12:58:47 malekith
- massive attack: source-md5
Revision 1.32 2003/05/25 05:45:48 misi3k
- massive attack s/pld.org.pl/pld-linux.org/
Revision 1.31 2002/12/12 01:33:19 blues
- spelling fixes by Tomasz "Witek" Wittner <wittt_ w poczta.onet.pl>
Revision 1.30 2002/04/25 15:49:57 arturs
fixed a small typo
Revision 1.29 2002/02/23 01:23:24 kloczek
- adapterized.
Revision 1.28 2002/02/22 23:28:42 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).
Revision 1.27 2002/01/18 02:12:26 kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\@pld.org.pl/feedback\@pld.org.pl/"
Revision 1.26 2001/12/07 20:57:50 kloczek
- merge translations from KSI.
Revision 1.25 2001/12/07 20:56:30 kloczek
- release 4,
- merge translations from Kondara and Conectiva.
Revision 1.24 2001/05/02 00:42:07 qboosh
- adapterized and made spec %%debug ready or using %%rpm*flags macros
Revision 1.23 2000/06/09 07:22:47 kloczek
- added using %%{__make} macro.
Revision 1.22 2000/05/18 02:01:24 kloczek
- spec adapterized.
Revision 1.21 2000/04/01 11:14:23 zagrodzki
- changed all BuildRoot definitons
- removed all applnkdir defs
- changed some prereqs/requires
- removed duplicate empty lines
Revision 1.20 2000/03/28 16:54:15 baggins
- translated kloczkish into english
Revision 1.19 1999/10/12 15:42:46 kloczek
- update to 2.0.
Revision 1.18 1999/09/09 19:19:40 kloczek
- updated to 1.8,
- added de translation from Mandrake Linux spec.
Revision 1.17 1999/07/26 09:26:32 misiek
- added missing translations
Revision 1.16 1999/07/20 12:48:05 wiget
- switch to rpm 3.0.2
Revision 1.15 1999/07/20 11:04:32 baggins
- fixed usage of macros
- added/removed neccesary/obsolete patches
- FHS 2.0 compliance where needed
- gzipping docs where needed
Revision 1.13 1999/07/12 23:05:53 kloczek
- added using CVS keywords in %changelog (for automating them).
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