Jabber going down

Remigiusz 'Enleth' Marcinkiewicz enleth w enleth.com
Wto, 24 Mar 2009, 21:44:19 CET

Dnia poniedziałek 23 marca 2009, Mariusz Mazur napisał:
> Jabber is back up again with gg transport working fine. Everything seems to
> be in order and the new server seems stable, at least for now.
> Well, allmost. The previous jabberd had a complete mess in the database wrt
> character encoding. I did a mysqldump and this:
> ep09.pld-linux.org/~mmazur/misc/l is supposed to be the following string:
> " ł \n" (that's <space>ł<space><newline>), which means that 'ł' is encoded
> as: c3 85 e2 80 9a

Looks like doubly-utf8-encoded iso-8859-2 or something close to that, a 
speciality of MySQL. Still, someone forgot to do his homework before setting 
up this database.

> I have absolutely no fscking idea how to convert something like that to a
> normal 'ł' in utf8 and I've been trying for the past few hours. For the
> time being I've patched the new jabberd to behave just like the old one and
> it helped -- I'm seeing normal national characters in my jabber client, but
> that's a short-term solution, since it'll make upgrading jabberd harder.

Try setting the client encoding with SET NAMES before dumping the data and 
then again before restoring it (to a different encoding). There should be a 
correct combination of client encodings when dumping and restoring that will 
produce correct data. Possibly after two such passes, each one with different 

For a future reference, pay close attention to database and table collations, 
and client connection encodings when using MySQL, or just switch to Postgres.

Remigiusz "Enleth" Marcinkiewicz, enleth w enleth.com
WWW http://enleth.com http://heroes.net.pl
JID enleth w jabster.pl
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