[SPAM] Re: Co robimy z PLD?
Sergiusz Pawłowicz
sergiusz-keyword-pld?discuss?pl.f44781 w pawlowicz.name
Nie, 12 Gru 2004, 02:15:17 CET
Dnia 12-12-2004, nie o godzinie 01:41 +0100, Adam Gołębiowski
> On Sun, Dec 12, 2004 at 01:33:02AM +0100, Sergiusz Pawłowicz wrote:
> > > > A tobie mi się
> > > > nie chce, bo jeśli dla ciebie jest normalne, że listy przychodzą w dwóch
> > > > egzemplarzach, to brak mi słów.
> > >
> > > Było powiedziane, nie ustawiaj Reply-To.
> >
> > Żarty sobie stroisz, mam z powodu źle działającego serwera list zmieniać
> > konfigurację MTU? Napracować się tylko dlatego, że admin jest lamerem?
> Nie MTU, a MUA. Admin nie jest lamerem, a Ty przestań obrażać innych.
> Listy są poprawnie skonfigurowane. Inni nie narzekają,
Nie są, lista powinna wycinać reply-to jeśli dodaje swój.
A w ogóle to nie powinna dodawać reply-to...
Wystarczy przeczytać odpowiednie reguły, aby nie być całe życie lamerem:
http://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/2002/03/lists.html :
"This is the practice of adding a Reply-To header to any message sent
via the list to direct replies back to it. It's not necessary (because
mail clients have a "group reply" or "followup" command), subverts the
usual meaning in mail and news of "reply" and breaks any other attempted
use of Reply-To. (Sometimes users don't notice that this breakage has
happened, and send to a list a message they intended to be private.)"
"One point that neither addresses is that Reply-To munging breaks
cross-posting between lists (since it causes to a message received by
one list to be sent to only that list rather than the complete set of
original lists). Not all mailing lists allow cross-posting, of course,
but Reply-To munging doesn't actually prevent it - it just makes it
inconvenient, potentially creating half-cross-posted threads that are
impossible for some readers to follow properly.
Lists operators who want to prohibit cross-posting with their list
should either use a working technical measure to prevent it, or (more
likely) admit that they can't prevent it by technical means and use
social mechanisms instead.
(Apparently some people think that no mailing lists should allow
cross-posting. I don't know where they get this idea from; it's
obviously a question of individual list policy.)"
Albo coś z życia innych projektów OS:
http://www.mail-archive.com/pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org/msg53048.html :
"The disadvantage of setting Reply-To: to point to the list for me is
that it would override my specific Reply-To: and thus prevent people
sending replies direct to me if they happened to want to do that. A
message sent to my From: address gets sorted by procmail to a very low
priority mailbox which I may well overlook."
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