[pjones@metalab.unc.edu: [webgroup] ibiblio needs your support]
Sergiusz Pawlowicz
ser w pld-linux.org
Śro, 17 Mar 2004, 12:36:22 CET
Mam ogromna prosbe, jesli ktos bylby w stanie napisac krotki
list dziekczynny z serwer list PLD do Chancelorów i przeslac go tutaj
- niestety nie zdolaam tego zrobic bo jestem poza Wroclawiem w delagacji...
----- Forwarded message from Paul Jones <pjones w metalab.unc.edu> -----
From: Paul Jones <pjones w metalab.unc.edu>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 08:57:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [webgroup] ibiblio needs your support
As you may know, we have changes in leadership at UNC periodically. In the
next year and a half, we will see all three of the administrators that
ibiblio reports to change. We will have a new Vice Chancellor for
Information Technology (we have an interim now), a new Dean of the School
of Information and Library Science and a new Dean of Journalism and Mass
In the past, I've asked you to send notes welcoming new leaders and
telling them that you support ibiblio and our mission here. I will be
asking you to do that again and I hope that you will do that.
This time out, since there will be so much change, I think we need to get
ahead of the appointments with a note to Chancellor James Moeser and to
Provost Robert Shelton.
So I'm asking you, if you are happy with what we're doing, to please send
a note to:
Chancellor James Moeser <james_moeser w unc.edu>
Provost Robert Shelton <Robert_Shelton w unc.edu>
Many thanks and looking forward to working with you for a long time to
Paul Jones
"Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation." Alasdair Gray
pjones w ibiblio.org voice: (919) 962-7600 fax: (919) 962-8071
webgroup mailing list
webgroup w lists.ibiblio.org
----- End forwarded message -----
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