cdg: voting-howto.txt (NEW)
adamg w
Śro, 14 Gru 2005, 18:35:19 CET
Module name: cdg
Changes by: adamg 05/12/14 18:35:17
Added files:
Log message:
- english version of instrukcja-glosowania
--- NEW FILE: voting-howto.txt ---
* After the proposal was placed into proponowane-glosowania/
(proposed-votings), there is time for discussions (statuory 24h), and
* No sooner than 24h after it was placed in proponowane-glosowani/ we
may second the proposal by adding:
under the section
* No votes can be cast during the proposal phase, as the proposal may
change. The only exception is when a person is moving the proposal
from proponowane-glosowania/ to aktualne-glosowania/ (current-votings)
* A person that seconds the proposal as a third should move that file to
the aktualne-glosowania/ folder and change filename as follows:
* As soon as a voting enters aktualne-glosowania/, its content may not
be changed, all that is allowed is adding one of the following:
in the appropriate section. At that phase no seconds should be added -
after all, the proposal has already started.
* Notifications about votings that have begun will be sent to the CDG
members (that is, to those that are listed in CVSROOT/
* In case of mistakes found in the votings it is canceled (after a
discussion) and the file is moved from aktualne-glosowania/ to
uniewaznione-glosowania/ (canceled-votings)
* After the voting has finished, the file is moved to stare-glosowania/
(former-votigns) where it should not be modified.
# vim set tw=72:
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-discuss-pl