Fwd: Re: PLD cooperation
Jakub Piotr Cłapa
jpc w pld-linux.org
Wto, 11 Paź 2005, 00:45:52 CEST
Mariusz Mazur wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Subject: Re: PLD cooperation
> Date: poniedziałek 10 października 2005 21:42
> From: Michael Shigorin <mike w osdn.org.ua>
> To: Mariusz Mazur <mmazur w kernel.pl>
> Cc: lav w altlinux.org, ldv w altlinux.org, force w altlinux.org,
> pld-discuss-pl w pld-linux.org
> Polish(ed), eh? :) (singled out as a cute name then...)
It used to be called Polish(ed) but after the fork became (guess what!?
yes, you're right!) a recursive acronym --- PLD := PLD Linux
Distribution. :-)
Of course it's not less polished than it was before the change but I
guess this sentence should rather go into the shameless advertisements
section. ;]
> On Sun, Oct 09, 2005 at 01:57:47AM +0200, Mariusz Mazur wrote:
>> As for development -- I think the most important aspect is that
>> we don't have maintainers. Every developer has the right to
>> modify any spec file he wants to.
> Hm, we do since some time ago (and a bit too much occasional
> breakage introduced by accidental "new maintainers" who would
> either upload a package without finding out that it already
> existed, or fix something for them and introduce a major PITA
> for the rest of the team (the less harmful would be e.g. careless
> library updates breaking ABI, sometimes API, and when the
> upstream was ign^H^Wsleepy enough not to change soname things
> would get even more "funny").
> This is enforced at incoming, and the "okay letter" to let
> another people build some package is quite simple (I guess
> there's no requirement of a valid GPG signature at the moment
> even).
> CVS/SVN/etc are used on personal level, there's no such thing
> as a centalized VCS repo (gasp! even if cvs.altlinux.org was
> written in years ago). Sorry if that sounds wild but it's just
> so -- nobody actually got the time to do it.
That is maybe why you needed maintainers?
In PLD not anybody can put whatever they want on builders and there is a
policy about branching and cleaning after oneself in case of breaking
something. The final choice about what will be put on our FTP servers is
done by the Release Manager or other people he granted rights to.
If anything is broken the developers react almost instantly because all
commits go thought a designated mailing list. It's a marvelous learning
possibility for new developers as well. (not too mention the whole
lotta' flames they ignite on their heads for free when they fck
something up. :)
Jakub Piotr Cłapa
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