2.4 bootdisk rebuilt

Thomas Graham lkthomashk w yahoo.com.hk
Śro, 29 Maj 2002, 21:50:08 CEST

IF I am using 2.4 bootdisk to bootup the root fs, yes,
it should work
 --- Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <misiek w pld.ORG.PL> wrote: >
Thomas Graham <lkthomashk w yahoo.com.hk> writes:
> > nope, -v2 not supported in 2.2.x kernel,
> becauseful
> > about this !
> But you are using 2.4 bootdisk so this will work.
> -- 
> Arkadiusz Mi¶kiewicz   IPv6 ready PLD Linux at
> http://www.pld.org.pl
> misiek(at)pld.org.pl   AM2-6BONE, 1024/3DB19BBD,
> arekm(at)ircnet, PWr 

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