Pepe pepe w apollo.net.pl
Śro, 4 Gru 2002, 13:55:37 CET

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 11:50:46 +0100 (CET)
Arkadiusz Chomicki <chomar w wla.pl> wrote:

> witam
> mam w logach nonstop cos takiego:
> Dec  4 11:49:04 Frodo kernel: pvc0: FECN ON
> Dec  4 11:49:04 Frodo kernel: pvc0: FECN OFF


Short for forward explicit congestion notification. A Frame Relay message
that notifies the receiving device that there is congestion in the
network. A FECN bit is sent in the same direction in which the frame was
traveling, toward its destination.


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