jeszcze jedna łatka do avifile
Tomasz P.
tom_wiz w
Nie, 28 Gru 2003, 17:42:50 CET
do szczęśliwej kompilacji avifile za pomocą gcc-2.95.4
zabrakło mi poprawienia pilczku flvenc.c
załączam odpowiednią łatkę i poprawionego spec-a.
Tomasz Porowski
-------------- następna część ---------
Załącznik, który nie był tekstem został usunięty...
Name: avifile-flvenc.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 681 bytes
Desc: nie znany
Url : /mailman/pipermail/pld-users-pl/attachments/20040626/4baf7b59/avifile-flvenc-0001.bin
-------------- następna część ---------
# $Revision: 1.163 $, $Date: 2003/11/14 07:12:12 $
# Conditional build:
#%bcond_without qt # disables QT support
#%bcond_with divx # enables divx4linux support (proprietary, binary-only
# lib) note: if disabled, divx is decoded by ffmpeg
#%bcond_with nas # enables nas support
Summary: Library for playing AVI files
Summary(pl): Biblioteka do odtwarzania plik?w AVI
Summary(pt_BR): Biblioteca para reproduzir formatos de ?udio e v?deo usando bin?rios win32
Name: avifile
Version: 0.7.38
Release: 2%{?_with_divx:+divx}
Epoch: 3
License: GPL
Group: X11/Libraries
# Source0-md5: db90c4bc0a8a8182b1ec084feca86bbb
Source1: %{name}.desktop
Patch0: %{name}-shareware.patch
Patch1: %{name}-fix-keys.patch
Patch2: %{name}-etc_dir.patch
Patch3: %{name}-aviplay_h.patch
Patch4: %{name}-without_qt.patch
Patch5: %{name}-no_aux_dir.patch
Patch6: %{name}-link_shared.patch
Patch7: %{name}-avifile_config_fix.patch
Patch8: %{name}-no_libnsl.patch
Patch9: %{name}-system-libmad.patch
Patch10: %{name}-ffmpeg-alpha.patch
Patch11: %{name}-opt.patch
Patch12: %{name}-ffmpeg-ppc.patch
Patch13: %{name}-flvenc.patch
BuildRequires: SDL-devel >= 1.2.0
BuildRequires: XFree86-devel
BuildRequires: a52dec-libs-devel
BuildRequires: audiofile-devel
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires: automake
%{?with_divx:BuildRequires: divx4linux-devel}
#BuildRequires: faad2-devel
BuildRequires: lame-libs-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
#BuildRequires: libmad-devel
BuildRequires: libogg-devel
#BuildRequires: libtool >= 1:1.4.3
BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel >= 1:1.0
%{?with_nas:BuildRequires: nas-devel}
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
%{?with_qt:BuildRequires: qt-devel >= 2.0.0}
BuildRequires: unzip
#BuildRequires: xft-devel
#BuildRequires: xvid-devel
BuildConflicts: wine-devel
Obsoletes: avifile-vidix-nvidia
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
Avifile is a library that allow programs to read and write compressed
AVI files (Indeo Video, DivX :-), etc.) under x86 Linux.
(De)compression is performed with various plugins (Win32, FFMpeg,...)
%description -l pl
Avifile jest bibliotek? s?u??c? do odczytywania i zapisywania
skompresowanych plik?w AVI (Indeo Video, DivX :-), etc.) pod Linuksem.
Do (de)kompresji u?ywane s? pluginy (win32, FFMpeg, ...)
%description -l pt_BR
Avifile busca criar uma biblioteca us?vel de suporte a arquivos AVI e
um conjunto b?sico de utilit?rios (para reprodu??o, captura e edi??o)
para o Linux. Cont?m classes C++ para leitura e cria??o de AVIs e
interfaces para compressores e descompresseores de ?udio e v?deo.
%package devel
Summary: Header file required to build programs using libavifile
Summary(pl): Pliki nag??wkowe wymagane przez programy u?ywaj?ce libavifile
Summary(pt_BR): Componentes para desenvolvimento com a avifile
Group: X11/Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires: XFree86-devel
Requires: xft-devel
Requires: zlib-devel
%description devel
Header files required to build programs using libavifile.
%description devel -l pl
Pliki nag??wkowe niezb?dne do kompilacji program?w korzystaj?cych z
%description devel -l pt_BR
Componentes para desenvolvimento com a avifile.
%package aviplay
Summary: Player for AVI/ASF/WMF files
Summary(pl): Odtwarzacz plik?w AVI/ASF/WMF
Group: X11/Applications/Multimedia
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description aviplay
Sample player for AVI, ASF, WFM (with straming support) files.
%description aviplay -l pl
Przyk?adowy odtwarzacz plik?w AVI, ASF, WFM (ze wsparciem dla
odtwarzania z sieci.)
%package utils
Summary: Sample programs using the avifile library
Summary(pl): Przyk?adowe programy u?ywaj?ce biblioteki avifile
Group: X11/Applications/Multimedia
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description utils
Qt-based AVI utilities with few other useful supporting tools for TV
capturing, AVI recompression, benchmarking, joining AVI files. These
programs have more bugs as they are not as extensively developed as
%description utils -l pl
Kilka u?ytecznych narz?dzi do przechwytywania TV, rekompresji AVI,
benchmarkowania, ??czenia plik?w AVI. Maj? wi?cej b??d?w, poniewa? nie
s? tak intensywnie rozwijane jak odtwarzacz.
%package win32
Summary: Win32 audio/video plugin
Summary(pl): Plugin audio/video win32
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires: w32codec
%description win32
Plugin for using Win32 DLL libraries in avifile located in
%description win32 -l pl
Plugin do u?ywania w avifile zlokalizowanych w /usr/lib/win32
bibliotek DLL Win32.
%package ffmpeg
Summary: GPL MPEG4 codec
Summary(pl): Kodek MPEG4 na licencji GPL
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description ffmpeg
ffmpeg is a hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder, a streaming
server and a generic audio and video file converter.
It can grab from a standard Video4Linux video source and convert it
into several file formats based on DCT/motion compensation encoding.
Sound is compressed in MPEG audio layer 2 or using an AC3 compatible
%description ffmpeg -l pl
ffmpeg jest hiperszybkim koderem audio/wideo czasu rzeczywistego,
serwerem strumieni oraz standardowym konwerterem plik?w audio-wideo.
Mo?e pobiera? ze standardowego Video4Linux ?r?d?o obrazu i konwertowa?
je do kilku format?w plik?w opartych na kodowaniu DCT/kompensacji
ruchu. D?wi?k jest kompresowany w MPEG audio layer 2 lub u?ywaj?c
kompatybilnego z AC3 strumienia.
%package divx
Summary: Fast MPEG4 codec
Summary(pl): Szybki kodek MPEG4
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires: divx4linux
Obsoletes: avifile-divx4
%description divx
DivX MPEG-4 decoder and encoder.
%description divx -l pl
Dekoder i koder MPEG-4 DivX.
%package vorbis
Summary: Vorbis audio plugin
Summary(pl): Plugin vorbis audio
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vorbis
Plugin for decompression of Vorbis audio streams.
%description vorbis -l pl
Plugin do dekompresji strumieni audio Vorbis.
%package mad
Summary: MAD - MPEG audio plugin
Summary(pl): MAD - plugin MPEG audio
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description mad
Plugin for decompression of MPEG-1 Layer I/II/III audio streams.
%description mad -l pl
Plugin do dekompresji strumieni d?wi?kowych MPEG-1 Layer I/II/III.
%package lame_audioenc
Summary: MP3 audio encoder plugin
Summary(pl): Plugin enkoduj?cy d?wi?k w formacie MP3
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
# this library is dlopened
Requires: lame-libs
%description lame_audioenc
Plugin for mp3 encoding capability of avirecompress tool.
%description lame_audioenc -l pl
Plugin umo?liwiaj?cy avirecompressowi kodowanie mp3.
%package xvid
Summary: XVID codec
Summary(pl): Kodek XVID
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires: xvid
%description xvid
XVID decoder and encoder.
%description xvid -l pl
Dekoder i koder XVID.
%package vidix-driver-fb
Summary: VIDIX driver for generic FrameBuffer
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla zwyk?ego FrameBuffera
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-fb
VIDIX driver for generic FrameBuffer.
%description vidix-driver-fb -l pl
Sterownik VIDIX dla zwyk?ego FrameBuffera.
%package vidix-driver-mach64
Summary: VIDIX driver for ATI Mach64 video adapters
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych ATI Mach64
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-mach64
VIDIX driver for ATI Mach64 adapters.
%description vidix-driver-mach64 -l pl
Sterownik vidix dla kart graficznych ATI Mach64.
%package vidix-driver-rage128
Summary: VIDIX driver for ATI Rage128 video adapters
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych ATI Rage128
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-rage128
VIDIX driver for ATI Rage128 video adapters.
%description vidix-driver-rage128 -l pl
Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych ATI Rage128.
%package vidix-driver-radeon
Summary: VIDIX driver for ATI Radeon video adapters
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych ATI Radeon
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-radeon
VIDIX driver for ATI Radeon video adapters.
%description vidix-driver-radeon -l pl
Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych ATI Radeon.
%package vidix-driver-mga
Summary: VIDIX driver for MGA (Matrox) video adapters
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych MGA (Matrox)
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-mga
VIDIX driver for MGA (Matrox) video adapters.
%description vidix-driver-mga -l pl
Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych MGA (Matrox).
%package vidix-driver-nvidia
Summary: VIDIX driver for NVidia video adapters
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych NVidia
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-nvidia
VIDIX driver for NVidia video adapters.
%description vidix-driver-nvidia -l pl
Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych NVidia.
%package vidix-driver-permedia
Summary: VIDIX driver for Permedia video adapters
Summary(pl): Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych Permedia
Group: X11/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
%description vidix-driver-permedia
VIDIX driver for Permedia video adapters.
%description vidix-driver-permedia -l pl
Sterownik VIDIX dla kart graficznych Permedia.
%setup -q -n avifile-0.7-%{version}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
%patch10 -p1
%patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%ifarch ppc
# temporarily disable altivec compiling due to gcc 3.3.x bug target/11793
sed -e 's/\(enable_ppcopt=\)yes/\1no/;s/AC_DEFINE(ARCH_POWERPC,/dnl &/' >
mv -f
# This is The WRONG Way (tm)
%if %{with qt}
GEN_MOC="`grep -Rl '^ *Q_OBJECT$' *`"
for f in $GEN_MOC; do moc -o "${f%.[!.]*}.moc" "$f"; done
%configure \
CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/divx" \
--with-qt-includes=%{_includedir}/qt \
--with-qt-libraries=%{_libdir} \
--enable-a52 \
%{?with_divx:--enable-divx4} \
--enable-ffmpeg \
--enable-ffmpeg-a52 \
--enable-lamebin \
--disable-lame \
--enable-libmad \
--enable-release \
%ifarch i586 i686 athlon
--enable-x86opt \
--disable-x86opt \
%{!?with_qt:--without-qt} \
touch lib/dummy.cpp
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_includedir}/%{name},%{_libdir},/usr/lib/win32,%{_pixmapsdir},%{_desktopdir}}
%{__make} install \
cp -f include/fourcc.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/%{name}
mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/%{name}-0.7/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/%{name}
install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir}
install bin/test.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}/avifile.png
# avifile dlopens *.so
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/avifile*/{,vidix/}*.la
%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so.*.*
%dir %{_libdir}/avifile*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%ifarch %{ix86}
%dir %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix
%files devel
%doc doc/README-DEVEL*
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avifile-config
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so
%if %{with qt}
%files aviplay
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/aviplay
%files utils
%{?with_qt:%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avicap}
%{?with_qt:%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avirecompress}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avibench
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avicat
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avimake
%{?with_qt:%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avirec}
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/avitype
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/kv4lsetup
%ifarch %{ix86}
%files win32
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%files ffmpeg
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%if %{with divx}
%files divx
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/divx*.so*
%files vorbis
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vorbis*.so*
%files mad
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/mad*.so*
%files lame_audioenc
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
#%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%files xvid
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/*
%ifarch %{ix86}
%files vidix-driver-fb
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix/*
%files vidix-driver-mach64
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix/*
%files vidix-driver-rage128
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix/*
%files vidix-driver-radeon
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix/*
%files vidix-driver-mga
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix/libmga*.so*
%files vidix-driver-permedia
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/avifile*/vidix/*
%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
* %{date} PLD Team <feedback w>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
$Log: avifile.spec,v $
Revision 1.163 2003/11/14 07:12:12 qboosh
- one more thing to disable on ppc
Revision 1.162 2003/11/14 06:50:48 qboosh
- ...and disable altivec for now
Revision 1.161 2003/11/13 23:46:16 qboosh
- added ffmpeg-ppc patch
Revision 1.160 2003/11/13 23:00:58 qboosh
- added ffmpeg-alpha patch for alpha and opt patch for !x86; release 2
Revision 1.159 2003/11/11 20:34:24 qboosh
- vidix is built only on x86
Revision 1.158 2003/11/11 15:03:00 qboosh
- xvid is available on all archs; fixed mistaken dir exclusion
Revision 1.157 2003/10/21 19:27:35 qboosh
- restored epoch 3 from rev. 1.148 and before (also in Ra)
Revision 1.156 2003/10/21 19:18:41 qboosh
- readded no_libnsl and system-libmad patches (NOT outdated, just updated filenames!)
Revision 1.155 2003/10/18 13:43:21 krzak
- add: avifile_config_fix.patch (fix include path in avifile-config file)
Revision 1.154 2003/10/18 13:15:14 krzak
- epoch: 2
Revision 1.153 2003/10/18 12:47:18 krzak
- up to ver 0.7.38
- update avifile.desktop file and move to _desktopdir
- remove : no_libnsl.patch, nolibtooltest.patch, system-libmad.patch
- add : no_aux_dir.patch (disable AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(admin))
- add : link_shared.patch (fix libtool detection)
Revision 1.152 2003/08/12 06:10:42 trojan
- added patch which fixes building without qt
- new bconds infrastructure
Revision 1.151 2003/08/06 16:32:00 kloczek
- mo?e wrescie kto? wykasuje to konto ?
Revision 1.150 2003/07/10 20:37:39 qboosh
- updated nolibtooltest patch for current avifile
- updated etc_dir patch to current policy (s/ETC_DIR/HOME_DIR/, leave dots)
- added system-libmad patch (but something is wrong with .mp3 files in this
avifile version, it doesn't even load mad plugin)
- disabled building lame3.70 plugin, one using newer system libmp3lame is enough
- removed useless *.la for plugins
- removed bogus, no longer existing vidix-nvidia package
Revision 1.149 2003/07/08 09:43:56 ankry
- 0.7.37-20030522, untested
Revision 1.148 2003/07/07 04:23:50 blues
- many small fixes, inspired by kloczek
Revision 1.147 2003/07/04 09:56:55 qboosh
- BR: xft-devel (evel without qt), added libaviplay linking deps to -devel
Revision 1.146 2003/06/27 13:10:44 mmazur
- mass commit; now req: name = epoch:version
Revision 1.145 2003/05/25 11:00:50 malekith
- massive attack, adding Source-md5
Revision 1.144 2003/05/25 05:45:51 misi3k
- massive attack s/
Revision 1.143 2003/05/02 21:43:05 adamg
- added avifile-aviplay_h.patch
Revision 1.142 2003/04/12 09:16:53 qboosh
- added nolibtooltest patch to disable test for libtool 1.4.3 (crashed on 1.4e)
Revision 1.141 2003/04/07 12:22:02 juandon
- s/home_etc/etc_dir/
Revision 1.140 2003/04/04 12:23:56 adamg
- updated to 0.7.34 snap 20030319
Revision 1.139 2003/04/01 16:40:59 mkierus
- conditional BR for nas-devel
Revision 1.138 2003/03/23 17:12:58 juandon
- added home_etc.patch
Revision 1.137 2003/02/26 17:41:16 qboosh
- fix too in no_libnsl patch
Revision 1.136 2003/02/22 14:04:07 misiek
- vidix doesn't build on ppc
Revision 1.135 2003/02/21 12:10:56 aflinta
- updated to version 0.7.32 snap 20030219
Revision 1.134 2003/01/15 19:16:29 aflinta
- renabled part of utils subpackage when build without qt
Revision 1.133 2003/01/12 21:36:11 adgor
- prefix /usr
Revision 1.132 2003/01/11 00:35:03 qboosh
- vidix fixes: missing dir, better descriptions, simplified ifarchs
Revision 1.131 2003/01/08 19:50:53 aflinta
- typo
Revision 1.130 2003/01/08 19:44:21 aflinta
- ups, drivers should be called vidix nod xvid
Revision 1.129 2003/01/08 17:04:11 aflinta
- added xvid-driver-* subpackages
Revision 1.128 2003/01/08 15:22:26 aflinta
- cosmetics, TODO: add missing files
Revision 1.127 2003/01/08 11:42:38 aflinta
- freetype2 is back thanks to qboosh for xft patch
Revision 1.126 2003/01/08 01:06:26 aflinta
- updated to version 0.7.24-20030107
Revision 1.125 2003/01/07 19:47:26 qboosh
- added -I/usr/include/freetype2 to CPPFLAGS to allow build with Xft2
- warning: libavifile must be linked with the same version of Xft as qt!
Revision 1.124 2002/12/30 05:13:42 adgor
- One more cppflag (for nev xvid)
Revision 1.123 2002/12/02 11:06:15 ankry
- massive cleaning
Revision 1.122 2002/11/25 14:13:01 ankry
- massive attack: no need for 755 for *.la
Revision 1.121 2002/11/18 14:09:25 baggins
- release 4
- this program DOES NOT require qt 3!!! qt 2.0.0 is just fine!
- fix-keys patch, up is forward down is backward
Revision 1.120 2002/10/19 17:36:52 qboosh
- added ifarchs in case --{en,dis}able-x86opt sometime will work as specified
Revision 1.119 2002/10/14 22:57:46 wolf
- hint about ffmpeg (_with_divx is very unintuitive)
Revision 1.118 2002/10/13 16:36:06 wrobell
- use divx name for divx4 bcond
Revision 1.117 2002/10/13 11:33:16 aflinta
- fixed "The Wrong Way (TM)" for _without_qt builds
- added compile.patch which enables avifile to build on gcc 3.2 (stolen from MDK)
Revision 1.116 2002/10/09 13:14:17 kloczek
- use more macros, some cosmetics, added missing "rm -f missing" and use new %doc
Revision 1.115 2002/10/07 13:13:53 mkochano
- Experiment. Release number extedned with info about --with switches
used. For example avifile built --with divx4 will be called:
Revision 1.114 2002/10/05 10:46:25 kloczek
- fixed %files for disable xvid on sparc*.
Revision 1.113 2002/10/05 08:29:42 marcus
- typo
Revision 1.112 2002/10/05 08:22:46 marcus
- rel.3.
- fixed build on i386
Revision 1.111 2002/10/02 19:26:19 marcus
- fix building on ppc
Revision 1.110 2002/10/02 09:53:21 kloczek
- reverte last change and bump _release_ to *.2.
Revision 1.109 2002/10/02 07:41:10 kloczek
- release 4.
Revision 1.108 2002/10/02 07:38:42 qboosh
- yet more fixes for divx4
Revision 1.107 2002/10/02 03:07:23 kloczek
- use --disable-x86opt on non i{5,6}86 and athlon.
Revision 1.106 2002/10/02 02:42:44 kloczek
- disable xvid on sparc* and more fixes for divx.
Revision 1.105 2002/10/02 01:45:07 kloczek
- more fixes for divix.
Revision 1.104 2002/10/02 00:17:43 kloczek
- realy disable divx4linux.
Revision 1.103 2002/10/02 00:04:56 kloczek
- disable divx4linux by default.
Revision 1.102 2002/09/28 17:25:28 wolf
- what for was %%{_ver} ?
- the superstitious edition: 20020913
TODO: xvidix, or whatever it's called
Revision 1.101 2002/09/17 16:06:26 kloczek
- added no_libnsl patch.
Revision 1.100 2002/09/14 12:54:02 qboosh
- removed outdated patches: ac3,size_t,xvid,amfix,deplib
removed obsolete libtool hack (BR: fixed libtool)
- allow building without proprietary divx4linux (shouldn't it be default?)
- enabled x86opt on i586+ (runtime detection)
- merged lost changes from DEVEL
- release 0.snap.2
Revision 1.99 2002/09/13 11:35:35 kloczek
- spec adapterized.
Revision 1.98 2002/09/12 10:50:21 wrobell
- DivX plugin builds with DivX v. 5, too, so let's use more general name
for the subpackage
- rel. 0.20020816.1
Revision 1.97 2002/09/09 14:23:06 aflinta
- updated to version 0.7.15
- added QT bcond
- seems to be good, but needs testing
Revision 1.96 2002/08/29 22:59:32 blues
- release 10 - BR proper qt-devel, cosmetics
Revision 1.95 2002/08/22 12:30:07 jack
- added BR nas-devel
- release 9
Revision 1.94 2002/08/15 14:02:23 blues
- release 8 - BR added and sorted
Revision 1.93 2002/07/22 12:35:54 blues
- new doc
Revision 1.92 2002/07/22 11:23:39 kloczek
- release 0.<_snap>.7: rebuild against final libvorbis 1.0.
Revision 1.91 2002/06/23 20:32:20 kloczek
- perl -pi -e "s/^libtoolize --copy --force/\%\{__libtoolize\}/"
Revision 1.90 2002/06/11 12:40:05 baggins
- release 6
- added xvid patch (properly recognize all XVID encodes)
Revision 1.89 2002/05/21 23:12:42 kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/^automake -a -c -f --foreing/\%\{__automake\}/; \
s/^automake -a -c -f/\%\{__automake\}/; \
Revision 1.88 2002/04/25 15:50:41 arturs
fixed a small typo
Revision 1.87 2002/04/24 11:01:22 marcus
- xvid is now on ppc and sparc too
- rel.5.
Revision 1.86 2002/04/22 06:12:53 kloczek
- removed all (dumb used) "ExclusiveArch: %%{ix86}".
Revision 1.85 2002/04/22 05:51:56 kloczek
- release %0.%{_snap}.4.
Revision 1.84 2002/04/21 14:33:03 qboosh
- changes amfix to allow building avifile using ac2.53/am1.6.1
- removed unnecessary ifarchs in descriptions
Revision 1.83 2002/04/19 11:37:52 marcus
- %ifarch in BR added (xvid-devel)
Revision 1.82 2002/04/19 08:40:12 marcus
- ExclusiveArch without %%ifarch blocks building on != ix86
Revision 1.81 2002/04/18 15:41:01 baggins
- added xvid package
Revision 1.80 2002/04/18 15:28:10 baggins
- release .3
- buildreq xvid-devel
Revision 1.79 2002/04/15 17:07:29 marcus
- fixed compilation on i586 and i686
- rel.2.
Revision 1.78 2002/04/15 00:55:28 marcus
- new version 0.7 (snap 20020412)
- avifile is NOT %%{ix86} only, but some codecs are.
- rel. 1.
Revision 1.77 2002/04/11 14:54:15 qboosh
- fixed file list (duplicated mad plugin); release 0.snap.5
Revision 1.76 2002/02/22 23:28:43 kloczek
- removed all Group fields translations (our rpm now can handle translating
Group field using gettext).
Revision 1.75 2002/02/18 16:40:10 gotar
- added/fixed polish %descriptions.
Revision 1.74 2002/02/11 22:15:12 kloczek
- adapterized.
Revision 1.73 2002/02/11 14:34:37 mkochano
- Release .4
- s/w32codecs/w32codec/g (but I think that w32codecs would be better
name ;) )
Revision 1.72 2002/02/03 16:28:18 kloczek
- release 0.%%{_snap}.3.
Revision 1.71 2002/02/03 10:58:06 mkochano
- Added URI.
Revision 1.70 2002/01/27 13:33:07 misiek
- = version in R
Revision 1.69 2002/01/27 13:23:50 wolf
- split to subpackages
- moved ExvlusiveArch from main package to appropriate subpackages
- corrected descriptions
- desktop file
- release 2
Revision 1.68 2002/01/20 18:12:26 mkochano
- Release 1.
- Updated for 20011220admin snapshot.
- ./configure regenerated in plugins/libmad/libmad and libmmxnow.
- .moc files generated in very nasty way... somebody who knows how it
should be done should correct this I think.
- Updated source URI.
Revision 1.67 2002/01/18 02:12:28 kloczek
perl -pi -e "s/pld-list\\"
Revision 1.66 2001/10/02 21:00:13 qboosh
- amfix patch, pass AS=gcc to configure - fix for stubs.s
- updated deplib patch, re-enabled avoiding relinking
to allow building without avifile-devel installed
Revision 1.65 2001/10/01 16:23:16 baggins
- updated to latest snap (20010929)
- added autoheader
Revision 1.64 2001/09/26 09:22:13 qboosh
- BuildRequires: autoconf, automake, libtool
Revision 1.63 2001/09/16 16:57:25 qboosh
- removed BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel - it should be (conditionally) in
some library (SDL-devel?) Requires. avifile doesn't use ALSA directly.
- added mmxnow-config to -devel
- removed avifile-config and mmxnow-config from base backage
Revision 1.62 2001/09/14 18:28:32 baggins
- updated to 20010914
Revision 1.61 2001/09/14 13:09:25 jajcus
- Requires: divx4linux
- no more Requires: w32codecs
- description changed for the new handling of AVI files
Revision 1.60 2001/09/12 17:49:46 filon
- updated to 20010831
- removed mga patch (not needed now)
- added BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel
- release 0.snap.1
Revision 1.59 2001/08/31 11:49:05 pascalek
- added fourcc.h to devel files
Revision 1.58 2001/08/09 19:33:04 baggins
- new snapshot
Revision 1.57 2001/07/30 18:09:32 baggins
- new snapshot
Revision 1.56 2001/07/26 13:15:10 wrobell
- fixed devel subpackage requirements
Revision 1.55 2001/07/25 17:03:29 wrobell
- requires w32codec instead of avi-codecs (look at the for reasons)
- rel. 3, stb
Revision 1.54 2001/07/16 16:00:42 wiget
ac 2.50 fixes
Revision 1.53 2001/07/13 14:13:02 baggins
- latest snapshot
Revision 1.52 2001/06/23 23:49:06 misiek
- 20010624 snapshot
Revision 1.51 2001/06/15 15:51:06 baggins
- autoconf must be after automake
Revision 1.50 2001/06/12 19:16:15 misiek
- 20010612 snapshot
- direct rendering support
- deplib patch disabled because it's broken. Needs fix to get xmms+avi plugin
Revision 1.49 2001/06/11 22:39:07 qboosh
- moved plugins' .la files back to base - used and NEEDED to load plugins
- release 0.20010604.1
Revision 1.48 2001/06/04 19:09:15 misiek
- new snapshot (20010604)
Revision 1.47 2001/05/28 16:51:57 baggins
- release 0.snap (THINK FIRST kloczek!)
Revision 1.46 2001/05/28 16:50:41 baggins
- new snapshot 20010528
- merged deplibs and lt14 patches
- removed arts crap - it was not working for a looong time
Revision 1.45 2001/05/27 16:32:13 kloczek
- release 1.<snap>.
Revision 1.44 2001/05/24 16:23:14 qboosh
- opt patch: use rpmcflags in lib/common too
- lt14 patch: fix for libtool 1.4; avoid relinking
- moved *.la to devel
Revision 1.43 2001/05/22 09:06:11 wiget
switch to new conditional builds macros (bcond_on_ -> _with_/bcond_off_ -> _without_); no release changes only simple s/// perfored
Revision 1.42 2001/05/17 14:21:22 baggins
- 20010514 snapshot
Revision 1.41 2001/05/01 17:25:09 misiek
20010501 snapshot
Revision 1.40 2001/04/11 20:11:55 misiek
new snapshot
Revision 1.39 2001/04/04 08:29:30 kloczek
- rebuild against SDL 1.2.0.
Revision 1.38 2001/04/02 15:25:29 misiek
avoid building mga driver
Revision 1.37 2001/04/02 15:07:51 misiek
don't require arts-devel on alpha
Revision 1.36 2001/04/02 14:01:52 misiek
new snapshot (audio/video sync should be ok now); rebuild with SDL 1.2.0; stb
Revision 1.35 2001/03/27 17:26:50 qboosh
- missing dir: %%{_libdir}/avifile
- use %%{rpmcflags} macro
Revision 1.34 2001/03/23 16:31:01 misiek
20010323 snapshot
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