Poczatki CVS'u
frazir w dami.pl
Pon, 29 Gru 2003, 10:37:13 CET
Mam maly problem chce zbudowac se qmaila z CVS'u wiec robie tak
1. export CVSROOT=":pserver:cvs w cvs.pld-linux.org:/cvsroot"
I teraz pytanie musze ciagle to dawac nie a sie jakos tego zautomatyzowac ??
3. touch .cvspass
4. cd rpm
5. cvs get SPECS/builder
6. cvs get SOURCES/00_version
7. cvs up SPECS/qmail*
No i wreszcie zabieram sie i o to co mi wyskakuje...
./builder qmail.spec
warning: No cvs access defined - using local .spec file
cvs update: CVSROOT is set but empty! Make sure that the
cvs update: specification of CVSROOT is valid, either via the
cvs update: `-d' option, the CVSROOT environment variable, or the
cvs [update aborted]: CVS/Root file (if any).
Error: spec file not stored in CVS repo.
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