radeon + glx itp...

Maciej 'mco' Świętochowski mco w mco.hdtv.pl
Sob, 19 Lut 2005, 02:16:56 CET

pbern w pbern.biz wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, [ISO-8859-2] Maciej 'mco' Świętochowski wrote:
>> pbern w pbern.biz wrote:
>>> [root w Aurora2 ~]# rpm -qa |grep firegl
>>> kernel-video-firegl-3.14.6-1 w 2.6.8_4
>>> X11-driver-firegl-3.14.6-1
>>> [root w Aurora2 ~]# lsmod |grep fglrx
>>> fglrx                 203964  0
>> kernel-video-firegl-8.8.25-3 w 2.6.8_4
>> X11-driver-firegl-8.8.25-3
>> na tym działa ładnie :P
>> [mco w fly mco]$ glxgears
>> 11719 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2343.800 FPS
>> 12420 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2484.000 FPS
>> [mco w fly mco]$ fgl_glxgears
>> 2373 frames in 5.0 seconds = 474.600 FPS
>> 2464 frames in 5.0 seconds = 492.800 FPS
> po przejsciu na
> kernel-video-firegl-8.10.19-1 w 2.6.8_4
> X11-driver-firegl-8.10.19-1
> wyniki sie poprawily..
> [root w Aurora2 ~]# glxgears
> 9605 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1921.000 FPS
> 10404 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2080.800 FPS
> 10411 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2082.200 FPS
> 10411 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2082.200 FPS
> ale fgl_glxgears wywala caly czas bledy i nie dziala:
> FGLTexMgr: open of shared memory object failed (Function not implemented)
> __FGLTexMgrCreateObject: __FGLTexMgrSHMmalloc failed!!!
> fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrCreateObject failed!!
> FGLTexMgr: open of shared memory object failed (Function not implemented)
> __FGLTexMgrCreateObject: __FGLTexMgrSHMmalloc failed!!!
> fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrCreateObject failed!!
> FGLTexMgr: open of shared memory object failed (Function not implemented)
> __FGLTexMgrCreateObject: __FGLTexMgrSHMmalloc failed!!!
> fglX11AllocateManagedSurface: __FGLTexMgrCreateObject failed!!
> i zero efektu...

w fstabie odhaszuj wpis:
none        /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults                0 0
I zamontuj oczywiście.


Maciej 'mco' Świętochowski
[ mco ][ http://mco.hdtv.pl ][ mco w mco.hdtv.pl ]
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