cactid - uwaga - scieżka do plików binarnych - przy zmianie wersji na g lub nowszą nalezy uzupełnić sciezke do binarki

Michał Panasiewicz wolvverine w
Wto, 21 Mar 2006, 04:13:15 CET

Important Notice for Cactid 0.8.6g and Onward

As of Cactid version 0.8.6g, scripts are no longer executed through the
poller with a shell. This greatly increases speed as only one process
needs to be created for every script call rather than two.

Because of this change, scripts that rely on the shell environment's
PATH will no longer work. You must go through your scripts under "Data
Input Methods" and make sure that the "Input Script" field always
contains the complete path to any binary that is referenced. After
making this change, you should clear your poller cache under "Utilities"
for the changes to take effect.

For example, a script that was called as "perl /path/to/my/",
must now be called as "/usr/bin/perl /path/to/my/". Be sure to
update your scripts in "Data Input Methods" before upgrading Cactid to
prevent data loss.

Michał Panasiewicz - PLD Linux Distribution Developer & GnomePL Developer 
e-mail: wolvverine[at]tlen[dot]pl  wolvverine[at]pld-linux[dot]org
jabber: wolvverine[at]chrome[dot]pl         gg: 747212

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